A Perfect Fit (Harry Potter)

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Ok, so I tried to post this chapter just minutes ago but Wattpad deleted it. Hopefully it works this time round! 

So, I guess this one got posted a while after I promised, huh? gabbyswins4life I hope this way worth the wait and make sure to leave a comment to tell me what you think!

Within moments of sitting down at the Hufflepuff table for breakfast, I realised that something was very wrong. Whilst the younger years seemed oblivious to the teenage angst that permeated the air, the older students were very aware of it. Merlin, I'd never seen so many green faces.

Helping myself to a stack of pancakes, I cast a curious glance around the table and frowned a little when I saw that the boys and girls were sitting in a manner that was more segregated than ever before. The groups of girls that were talking between themselves would sneak slight glances to the cluster of boys dotted around the table. And the boys, well – I don't think I'd ever seen them look so nauseous before.

"What's going on?" I asked, sharing a look with Lavender who rolled her eyes a little at the odd behaviour.

"Ever since that blasted ball was announced, everyone fourth year and above have gone insane," she explained as I stirred some sugar into my mug of tea. My spoon stilled, her words taking me by surprise. There was going to be a ball? Lavender, not knowing how clueless I was, carried on smoothly, "Apparently turning up without a date is going to be considered to be social suicide. Have you ever heard of something so idiotic?"

"There's going to be a ball?" I asked rather than answering her question.

Letting out an exasperated sigh, she set her fork down. "I swear, sometimes you just drift off into your own thoughts and you don't hear a thing. The ball – the yule ball – was announced yesterday in the common room, remember? We're supposed to have a house wide meeting with McGonagall to learn to dance?"

"Not really," I admitted weakly with a slight smile, "I must have been busy doing something."

"Sleeping, no doubt," she said knowingly and I wasn't going to deny the truth so instead I stuffed my face with some pancake.

"So there's going to be a yule ball then? And that's why so many of the boys look like they're going to be sick?"

"They've got the nerve-wracking task of asking someone to be their date," Parvati piped up from Lavender's side. "All we have to do is wait to be asked."

"And the girls can't ask because?" I raised an eyebrow, bringing my mug to my lips.

"Because that would be social suicide," Lavender explained dryly, "not only that but it would break the boy's already fragile egos."

"It's not compulsory though, is it?" Parvati's eyebrows rose at my question.

"You don't want to go?" she asked gently.

"It'll just be embarrassing if I don't find a date," I explained, wiping my mouth with a napkin once I'd finished my breakfast.

"Why worry about something that won't happen?" Lavender dismissed as I drained the last of my tea. "Speaking of dates," she pondered musingly, "I wonder who'll end up going with who."

"I think we all have someone we'd like to go with," Parvati muttered and I couldn't have agreed more, letting my eyes drift further down the Gryffindor table. Although the chances of it happening were slim to none, I'd have liked to have been asked by a certain bespectacled Gryffindor. But chances were that he was going to ask someone else. I looked away from the table before he'd ever realise that I had been looking at him in the first place.

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