The newbies

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Bobbi's pov

"Agent Morse"
A loud voice came in through my com.

"Yes sir ?"
I said. knowing it was Fury I pulled out my suit

"You have a small mission"

Thors pov

I banged my fist on the wall. The stone walls of Asgardian prison surrounded me. How could Odin allow this? I knew momentarily that trying to connect with my hammer wasn't going to work. I had been stripped of my armour and left in a glass cell. The exact cell I once placed Loki in.

Natasha's pov

"Why am I here?"
I didn't move a muscle.

"My plan isn't finished, you see I not only need the septer but another thing. It's hidden somewhere that I cannot use my magic. But you Natalia"
He said twirling a strand of my hair
"You will fetch it for me"

"Like hell I will"
I said slapping his hand away

"You'll change your mind, you just need to see in a different......perspective"

Buckys pov

With Tony, Bruce, Clint, Thor and Natasha gone, Steve has been a mess. He won't stop beating himself up for letting everyone go. But me, I'm still adjusting. I'm not even supposed to be here.
Yesterday all Steve did was find ways to get to Asgard. Of course Sam and I helped and we found nothing. Sams been comforting Steve but I just can't. He tells me we were best friends but from what I remember we weren't. He was hydra, I was the howling commandos.

Steve came to our floor and stood in front of us. His eyes were red and he looked sad, but that didn't stop him from continuing

"Fury called, he needs us."

"Uh, who's that?"
I asked, still adjusting remember

"Leader of SHIELD"
Sam answered quickly
we piled into the car and drove there. Seeing this building was amazing. It had a glass outside but inside was completely different. Agents were everywhere doing what agents do in this century. The elevator was clearly a new piece of technology, it brought us straight to Fury.

"Captain Rogers, Sam and- who's this?"
A man with an eye patch and a long jacket asked placing his hands firmly on the desk

"Bucky Barnes Sir"
He didn't question it. His face didn't show any emotion, almost like Natasha sometimes. Except I could see the confusion in his eyes.

Steve's pov

I didn't want to go see Fury. But this seemed important. Bucky and I haven't really been talking, and I can't blame him. His memories are from the twisted past Loki made it. He thought I was hydra. Things aren't like they used to be.

"Captain Rogers, Sam and-who's this?"

"Bucky Barnes sir."
Two people were standing by his desk clearly waiting to speak. I recognized the blonde as Clint's girlfriend, but the man in the interesting suit, I had no idea.

"Following the disappearance of Thor and Romanoff, the rest of your team fled."
I hung my head.

"I know your trying to find them Steve, and you will "
He said softly.
"But you'll need all the help you can get. Meet your new teammates."

"I'm Bobbi Morse, aka mockingbird "
It's good to see you again Captain.
Her facial expression changed juristically when she heard Clint left. I could tell she was excited to see him but she might not get that chance.

"Uh, I'm Scott Lang aka Antman"
He said nervously.

"Sup tic tac"
Sam smirked
I stopped paying attention to the conversation after that. Fury got two people to come join our team, or whatever this was. They would be putting their life in danger.

"Excuse me sir but agent Morse and agent Lang would be putting themselves in danger joining us. If- "

I turned to Barbra
"Steve. We're trained for this, we want to help."
She smiled

"Then come on, we've got a lot of work to do."

Yeah yeah I know, probably a terrible filler. Oops. I'll update again tomorrow hopefully to make it up to you guys.
But I officially graduated! Yay! Totally not ready for grade 9 but oh well.

Love you all
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