Taking action

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Natasha's pov

The bag was ripped off revealing the unkind face of the man I loved.

The room was big, and dirty. You could see the stains on the walls. Behind me I could see glass, I guessed one way glass from the other side so I couldn't see out. It looked thick and not penetrable. I looked everywhere else not finding any escape. Great. The room was definitely full proof, and near the middle of the building, considering the lack of direct escape routs. The main door to the room was guarded by two Hydra agents. If I could get out of this chair than I would be able too-
But I was ripped out of my thoughts by a searing pain on my cheek.

"Steve what are you doing-I don't understand, I- "

"Enough. Your a tiny spider from the red room, here to steal all our secrets. Your nothing but a pawn in our way to winning this war. Your weak, predictable, and cold. Ivan destroyed any ounce of humanity you have left. Your just a brainwashed agent, wanting to impress her father."
I didn't speak-couldn't speak. I bit back my nasty comments, while hiding tears. Steve-my Steve would never speak to me like that. He was gone.
He laughed coldly and picked something up from a small table behind him. It shone in the light, the metal glinted, only until it was embedded in my leg did I know what it was. Only until it was pulled out I knew what the stains on the walls were. Blood.

"Almost done little spider."
He'd say that to me over and over, yet the torture never seemed to end. Pain overloaded in my body. I just wanted my Cap back. He could make everything feel alright again. He'd whisper "it's okay" and hug me tightly.
It hurt to see him like this. Evil and nasty......like Loki. It was his fault and man would I make him pay when I get out of here. If I get out of here. It hurt more than all the torture Steve was giving me, knowing that he doesn't remember me. And he may never will.

Tony's pov

I couldn't watch any longer. Natasha was weak and didn't fight it anymore, in fact she didn't seem to fight at all. She couldn't. From the moment she sat down in the chair she was hurt. By Cap. Looking at her now was like looking into a dark hole. All hope is gone, and the darkness never seems to end.
Clint was pale and sweaty. He'd seen his friend in situations like this before, but this was different. It was by one of our own. The guards had locked us in hours ago. We tried breaking the glass. Emphasis on the tried. All at of us wanted to do was help her. We banged on the glass once again, even the tiniest crack could go a long way.

Natasha's pov

I was getting tired, and could feel myself getting paler by the minute. But he didn't seem to care. With the only energy I had left I parted my lips and spoke.

"Steve? Please! I know your still in there. Fight it! Loki is controlling you, you have to fight it. "
I struggled in my chair, pulling against the restraints. Steve stood there. He didn't do anything with the weapon clutched in his hand. But it didn't look like it was working either.

"Steve, I know it's hard. But please! I love you too much to see you like this! Come back to me, we have to help each other on this one. I can't do it on my own! "
For a second his dark blue eyes got brighter. But it went away as quickly as it happened. He furrowed his eyebrows and cut me across the chest. I yelled in pain.
He came closer to me, grabbing my face with one hand. His grip was tight and cold.

"Shut up. I'm the strongest leader Hydra has ever had. And I'm not going to fail them by letting a spy get to me.
I stared at his eyes. His breath was on my neck. I couldn't think of anything else to do, so I did it. "
I connected our lips. It sent an electric current through my body, like always. At first he wanted to pull away. But then he didn't. His hand went into my hair, and the other to my face. He kissed me back. When he pulled away, tears were running down his cheek.

I just nodded

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know what I was doing. I'm dangerous, you have to stay away from me."

"No Steve stop. It's okay. It's not your fault, this is Loki. Your not dangerous your you again."
He immediately untied me and I threw my arms around his neck. His big arms wrapped around me waist. His face buried in the crook of my neck. His face was streaming with tears.

"I'm sorry"
He said when he let go

"I know"

I'm back! Sorry if the chapter was cheesy but im pretty sure one of you asked for romanogers moments. Either was I think it's a cute way to save him. ☺️

Hope you liked the chapter
Love 10starlight
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