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Sorry for taking so long, but here you go enjoy

Natasha's pov


Hulk roared throwing him across the room denting the wall

"Just because we're in a fight doesn't mean you have to destroy my baby! "
He roared and Tony held up his hands in defeat.

Loki stood up not phased by the throw.

"Silly, do you really think you can stop me?"
With that he teleported away.

"Any idea where he went? ""
Steve asked

"Loki is one of mischief, he used to prank Sif all the time- "

"He's still in the building"
I said interrupting Thor, loading her gun

"How do you know?"

"He's looking for his septer"

"Loki's septer has been missing for years, why does he look here? ""
Thor asked puzzled

"Because he'll find its location, when I was in the red room and Loki was here I stole it from him as a mission. The location is in my SHIELD file from my life in the red room. "

"If Loki finds his septer I fear he will be more powerful than any of us"

"But he can't be stronger than all of us"

Steve was right if we were going to stop Loki we would do it together. My file could be accessed from Fury's office, using a special code. We stood outside the door ready to barge in.

"Be ready, any sudden movement we fight"
I pushed open the door expecting to see Loki, but he was gone. Had we been to late? I ran to the directors desk, his computer was still on, and my file was displayed on the screen. He found the location. Loki will be back any minute with the septer.
I was right. Minutes later he came back. A smirk appeared on his face as he held his gold septer in his hand. Thor fought first, charging at Loki hammer at the ready only to be blasted back with the force of the tesseract. Loki sent Thor flying through a good 6 walls. The rest of us leaped into action. I fired my guns, Clint fired his arrows, Cap punched and kicked while using his shield as protection, Tony shot at him with his repulser rays but in the end Hulk was the one to knock him off his feet. Literally grabbing him by the ankles and smacking him against the wall, dropping him after a good minute. Loki was momentarily stunned. But it wasn't long enough. Before we had time to take the weapon he had it in a tight grip.

"If I cannot defeat you than I will send you somewhere where you'll fight each other somewhere you can't escape from"
Light burned my eyes right before darkness.

My eyes slowly opened. Letting out a small moan of pain I stood up. Looking around we were surrounded by circus tents and carnival rides. The rest of the group was already standing up. But someone was missing. Clint.

"Where's Clint?"
I ignored them and observed the people around us. Their clothing was definitely more old fashioned and- actually everything looked old fashioned. A rack of news papers stood a few feet away. Grabbing one my eyes glued themselves to the top corner. 1967?

"Nat where are we?"
Tony asked

"I-I think we're in Clint's memories."

"Why would we be at a circus?"
Steve said looking around at the area most likely thinking of his childhood. I wouldn't be surprised if he was. Steve most likely pictured him with his mother in a similar place.
Clint never told the avengers about his history, especially with the circus.

"Follow me."
I led them into the biggest circus tent. It was striped blue and yellow. Inside was amazing. Crowds of people on the stands and a huge performance set up in the centre.

"Is that Clint?"
Tony pointed to him. While he was part of the circus he was known as Trickshot. He didn't seem to notice us just yet.

"Yeah that's him"

"Since when is bird brain part of a circus?"

"He'll explain everything later. For now let's find a place on the stands. "
Bruce was Bruce again but I feared he wouldn't be for long.
Loki said he'd send us somewhere we'd fight each other and not be able to escape. But what did that mean? Is Clint really going to fight us? But why are we in his memories? Is Loki expecting us to die here?

"Tasha you okay?"
Bruce said putting a hand on my shoulder
I didn't realize how tense I was. We were at the top of the stands hoping Clint would notice us. I explained my theory to everyone and Bruce agreed that it was the most logical explanation. Loki wanted us to fight our way out of his memories .

О мой

Ok I finally updated! I swear I will not take this long next time. So Loki sent them into Clint's memories to fight their way out. But what they don't realize is that the problem is a lot bigger than they thought

Love 10starlight
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