My Heart Hurts

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(A/N, The war is going to continue just so you know, ignore my previous few
A/N's please)

"Oh dear Rao." Kara says following Barry
"We're too late." Cisco says

Everyone looks to see Earth-38, National City, being destroyed. They see flying figures trying to blast the villains and some people fighting back

"How did they even get here?" Oliver asks
"Let's figure that out later, for now let's take care of the villains." Sara says signaling the team
"Let's split up, Team Legends will go with Gypsy and Kali to take care of the meta huamns. Team Arrow and Flash will go together and depart to deal with the villains, Felicity and HR will stay here and monitor us." Kara says
"What will you be doing?" Barry asks
"I need to find my friends." Kara says already flying off
"Alright you heard the lady, let's move." Cisco says already opening a portal

Cisco and Gypsy open the portal and everyone departs

Kara POV

Kara flies through the city and flies in to see Clark trying to blast King Shark and J'onn dealing with a speedster

  I got you.

Kara flies to help J'onn and freezes the ground under the speedster and helps him up

"Thanks Supergirl." J'onn says
"Come on, let's help the Man of Steel ." Kara says already flying off

Kara flies over to help Clark fight King Shark and other meta's

"Come on Superman, how hard could this be" Kara says
"Surprisingly, very." Clark says struggling to fight against 3 metahuamns
"I'll take Shark." Kara says flying past him and gutting shark

Kara easily knocks down shark and Clark and J'onn fly back to Kara

"How'd you know we were in trouble?" Clark asks
"Friend can see other worlds and future and saw this. What happened how'd these guys get here?" Kara asks
"Multiple portals opened and they showed up." J'onn says
"Where's everyone else?" Kara asks
"Alex is helping the strike team fight off the meta's, Winn is back at the DEO, and James is fighting." Clark says
"Better go help him." Kara says flying off

Kara arrives to see James being attacked by multiple creatures and Kara flies over and takes them out

"Hey." Kara says
"Hey." James says
"Need anymore help?" Kara asks
"No, I think I'm good now. Thanks for saving my ass." James says

Kara nods and flies off only to hear a piercing scream

"Barry..." Kara says flying over
"Where's Barry?" Kara asks landing
"We don't know, we were fighting and then suddenly passed out and Barry was gone." Cisco says getting up

Kara flies off to see the villains disappear

"Well they're gone. Either they wanted Barry, or they just retreated." Kara says flying back down

Kara turns to see an injured Kali

"Kali! What happened?" Kara says helping her
"A blue of red struck me down and nearly took my heart. Luckily before I passed out I saw Barry take him away." Kali says
"Get her to the ship Ray." Kara says

Ray nods and flies back to the ship
Kara turns to see a little boy on the ground crying

"Hey, hey, What's wrong?" Kara says walking up to hug him
"I saw my mom and dad die." The boy says

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