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"Cisco where are we on finding Kali?" Barry asks
"Nowhere close, wherever they put her, they hid her real well." Cisco says drinking a slushee
"Barry, that's the fifth time you asked Cisco where is she, within 30 seconds, calm down." Kara points out
"Sorry I'm just worried. I'm going to go for a run, I'll be back." Barry says running off
"Go follow him, he usually runs off when he's thinking." Joe says

Kara nods her head and flies after Barry

"Barry?! Barry!" Kara says flying down to see Barry sitting on a tree log
"Hey." Is all Barry says
"Barry? Are you ok?" Kara asks
"Not really, no." Barry replied
"Is it about Kali? Iris? ... Us?" Kara asks
"I failed you all. Kali is going to be executed most likely, and we can't find her. I could've saved Iris but I allowed my goodness to take over and Savitar killed her. And I failed you. I lied to you and myself. I allowed our relationship to continue though. I kept hurting you slowly but surely." Barry says having a tear in his eyes

Kara just stands their in shock and silence rings throughout the room, until eventually, Kara goes up to hug him

"Barry, we will find Kali, and you will not fail her. You stayed good, and kept Iris' promise and didn't fall to the dark side. And you never failed me. I might've been hurting, but all I cared about was you. And my love for you is stronger than the pain I have to go through for you." Kara says still hugging him
"Thank you Kara. For everything." Barry says
"BARRY, WE KNOW A WAY WE CAN FIND HER, GET HERE NOW." Cisco says over the comm
"Let's go." Barry says
"Wanna race?" Kara asks
"You bet." Barry says running off

Barry and Kara speed off back to STAR LABS

"Ha, finally beat you." Barry says
"Fine you did." Kara responded
"Glad that you guys are here, Barry we came to an option of vibing, but we didn't know what to use. So we decided to use you. Hopefully it will work." Cisco says
"Let's try it."

Cisco places his hand on Barry's shoulder and vibes to see Kali in chains at an abandoned warehouse

"The abandoned warehouse on 391 Words Street" Cisco says going over to the computer

Without another word Kara and Barry fly and run as fast as they can the warehouse

"Ha, beat you again." Barry says
"Only on your Earth Flash." Kara says
"Kara, use your x-ray vision to scan the area." Cisco says over the comm

Kara uses her x-ray vision but the place is lined with lead

"The place is lined with lead, it's as if they were expecting this." Kara says

With that, Kara gets knocked out and Barry does as well but it takes a few seconds for him to get knocked out

"Ugh I hate needles." Barry says falling down

Barry and Kara wake up

"B-Barry, you ok?" Kara asks
"Y-yea I'm fine, where are we?" Barry asks
"Well I can tell you, you're with me." Kali says
"Kali! Thank God you're ok." Barry says
"I am also very thankful." Kali responds
"What happened, what did they do to you?" Barry asks
"I don't remember, all I remember was being taken, knocked out and that's it." Kali responded
"I wish I could kiss you, but chains." Kali continues
"So, what exactly are we going to do?" Kara asks
"These chains can't be phased through, and the room is filled with kryptonite, so- wait how is their kryptonite, there isn't any on our Earth." Barry responds
"My Earth. I think when we were knocked out the guys opened a portal and brought us here." Kara responds
"Wow another universe. I wonder what my doppelgänger is like." Kali says
"Never found mine on Barry's Earth so, good luck finding yours." Kara responded

You're More Than  a Super Friend, You're My Everything (Superflash Story)Where stories live. Discover now