The Scarlet speedster

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Earth-1 Barry POV

|Everything is absolute shit. Iris died and I can't get anything done. Every single criminal I face either is able to get away or beat me. I can't continue knowing that I had the opportunity to stop this from happening. It's so hard| Barry said in his thoughts

"Hey Barry, you there?"
Yea sorry I just got stuck in thoughts.
"That's fine, just stay focused we have multiple robberies commencing at the same time"
How many?
"Wally is handling the 14 on 789 Constant Street and 123 Streety street"
Got it. Tell Wally I'll take the major banks
"Got it"

*Barry runs fast to the banks*
|Life has been so hard after you died, We got Savitar but as soon as he was captured, meta humans started attacking more and more and we are barely getting them locked up|

*Barry arrives at the first bank*
Why do you make life so hard?

*Barry takes them down easily and frees the hostages*
*Barry does the exact same thing for the rest of the banks*

"Barry, Wally has been knocked out, get him out of there"
*A criminal prepares to shoot Wally in the face*
*Barry punches him with extreme force*
*Barry picks Wally up and brings him to STAR Labs*

How many are left?
"Miraculously none, you stopped all of them" HR confidently says
That's a first. I'm going to head home. Tell me if something extreme happens.
"Got it" Cisco says"

1 Hour Later- Joe POV
He's not coming.
"I'm sorry Joe." H.R says sadly
Let's begin these speeches
Let's hope that Iris is having an amazing life where ever she is right now. I am so glad that she was my daughter and I could have not been happier to raise a beautiful girl.

Wally POV
When I lost my mother, I thought I had no family left. I was a jerk to Iris and Joe in the beginning when I first met them. But now all I can think of is my sister. I hope she is happy wherever she is right now.

There was always something about Iris. She had that special glow that lit up the room everyday. We lost a beautiful person in this world, and all we can hope for is that she's happy wherever she is.

*Speeches go around the table and they eat*

Barry POV

Is this what my life has come to. Not going to be remorseful for her? Fuck I miss her. The way she smiles. She was my best friend. She would listen to me everyday.

*Barry stared at a picture of the two of them*

"Hey Barry" Oliver says.
AH! What are you doing here and don't scare me like that please.
"First answer, I came to see you and see if you were okay. Also why you didn't go to remorse for Iris. Second answer, no, I will never stop scaring you."
Thanks for checking in on me. But you're just wasting your time.
"Barry you are my best friend. It's pretty much my responsibility to take care of you."
Well since you're here, I'm sorry you had to go out this far.
"It's fine, it's worth it if you're best friend is grieving in silence"
I didn't go because it's my fault.
"Barry never say that, it's not your fault."
I had the chance to kill Savitar. I could've stopped him. But I was too hesitant and he killed Iris first.
"Barry, I heard a phrase from a very amazing rich playboy like me. If you kill a killer, the number of killers stay the same. If you went down that path, you could never go back."
But you did. You killed first but went to no killing.
"Because I started with it. It's easier to end something than start something."
I guess you're right

*silence rings out throughout the room for a moment*

Why is it so hard to forgive yourself.
"Because it's impossible to. There will always be sins that you bear. Mistakes you can't take back. It's all just a matter of how you decide to take care of it. Whether that means becoming a vigilante or nothing at all. But the overall thing is that it will help change you. For better or worse, that's up to you."
Thanks Oliver, you should be a therapist.
"Believe me, I am the last person you should come to for advice"

*Oliver and Barry laugh*

"I have to go. Prometheus is still out there and he's out to get me."
If you need help with him, feel free to call me.
"This is my own fight Barry, you still haven't finished yours."
Heh. Bye Oliver. Good luck.

|It's late. I should really sleep|

*Barry heads to the bedroom*
*Phone rings*


*Barry picks up the phone

"Barry, Zooms back, get to STAR labs now"
On my way

*Barry runs fast in case Zoom is there*

What's the situation?
"There was a blue light spotted near 532 mile street" Cisco says
"We assume it's zoom" Wally finishes
Alright, Wally let's go see. Be on your guard, this guy is not to be messed with.

*Flash and Kid Flash run out STAR Labs*

"I thought he became black flash" Wally says while they run
I thought so to, guess the speed force forgave him after Caitlin froze him
"Let's do this"
XOLOMON! Come out!
Hello. Barry. Long time no see
"Why does every villain have that voice filter thing" Cisco says over the comm.
"Probably a tradition" HR responds with.
What do you want Zoom?

*Zoom runs up to Kid Flash and chokes him*

Come and get me. Flash.

*Zoom speeds out*

Cisco, I think it's time for that new invention. "You read my mind Barry Allen."

*Cisco activates the speed dampener and Zoom drops Wally after noticing he slowed down*

What did you do to me?
Speed dampened. Courtesy of Cisco.

*Barry picks up kid Flash*

Luckily for me and Wally, we have a counter against it.
Good thing I prepared for that.

*The Dampener is destroyed by him easily*

Shit. How'd you see those?
My new mask allows me to find items that radiate heat.

*Barry brings Wally to STAR labs and heads back*

4.32 seconds. Not bad

*Zoom runs off and Barry follows*

Come back here Zolomon.

*A portal opens and Barry lands on the ground*

Where am I?

*Barry sees a flying figure.*

Oh boy.

I don't own any of these characters, all rights belong to CW. Photos and videos belong to their respectful owners aswell. The video is from BTS, an amazing K-Pop group. Go watch them please. Anyways. Thanks for reading, bye!

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