Girl of Steel

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Earth 38 Kara POV

Been a while Livewire. Where have you been?
"It's none of your business. Just came back to get some issues fixed. Don't get in my way"
Mm, no thanks

*Kara blasts Livewire with her laser vision*

"I warned you Supergirl."

*Livewire makes her electric whip*

"Fight me I dare you"
Dare accepted.

*Kara angrily blasts Livewire with her heat vision and instantly knocks her out"

I'm tired of having to do this.
"Supergirl get back to the DEO, there's a team coming to get her." J'onn says
Are you sure?
"Yea, they have it." Alex says.

Kara flies off

|One year. Time moves fast.|

*Kara arrives at the DEO*

"Kara are you feeling well?" Winn asks
Yea I'm fine why?
"Well, you just kind of I don't know, blasted Livewire at full strength?"
That was just me being me, I was tired and I wanted to get over the fight quickly.
"Isn't it more tiring after you use it?"
Great now I'm about to fall asleep, thanks Winn. Kara says sarcastically
"Ok, ok. You just seemed excessive out there. Just checking on you."
Thanks Winn. Kara says with seriousness

"Kara, you can go home. We will take care of the day." J'onn says very serious.
I'm fine J'onn.
"You're not, take the rest of the day off."
J'onn I got this.

*Kara yawns right after*

Ok I see your point. I guess I'll go, bye.

*Kara flies out*

"It's been one year." J'onn says with a sad tone.
"Since what?" Alex asks while she walks in
"Since Mon-El was forced to leave."
"I'll go talk to her" Alex says while leaving.


*Kara is eating potstickers and donuts while watching romantic movies*

Why is life so much better in movies.

*Knock on the door*

"Kara, we need to talk."
I'm good.
"Kara." Alex says sternly.

*Kara opens the door and sees Alex with more potstickers*

"Kara I'm so sorry I didn't remember."
Alex it hurts so much.

*Kara goes in for a hug and cries on Alex's shoulder*

Oh my Rao it feels so good to cry.
"Come on let's go sit. Kara I am so sorry that you have to go through this. I can't imagine how much this hurts."
It's fine. I just miss him so much. Knowing he can't come back ever, is just so sad.

*Couple kisses on screen before being separated causing Kara to cry more*

"Ok, ok, let's just shut that down for now"

*Alex shuts off TV*

Thanks Alex for coming here.
"It's my pleasure, you're my sister and I'm sorry for not realizing earlier."
It's fine. I'm just. Losing my mind.
"If you ever need to talk I'm here, I'll listen"
I love you sis
"Love you too"

*Alex's watch rings*

If you're up to catch some bad guys, there's an attack by an alien on 547 Avenue Circle Lane
"Ok, let's do it."

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