Earth 38

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What brings you to my earth, Barry?
"Well this, like the first time we met, was an accident"
What happened?
"Zoom got free and he forced me to chase him, and I ran fast enough that a breach opened to your Earth"
Don't worry, like last time we are going to get you back.
"Thanks. But I kind of want to stay here. I need to clear my mind for a while"
Sure, that's fine. If it helps, you caught me on a bad day, so I could use a friend I could talk to.
"What happened?"
Well, you know Mon-El, right? Well-

*Kara gets hit by 2 cars*

"You okay?"
Yea. I'm fine. What happened?
"You got hit by two cars, which I assume came from those two people over there"
Why do you say that?

*Barry moves Kara out of the way before the first one threw another car at her*

Ok. I see your point.

*Barry and Kara move after the second person threw another car at them*

"What's the plan?"
Take them out of the city first of all.
"Got it."

*Barry and Kara tumble fast and take the two far from the city*

"Who or what are these two?"
Apparently they're from the planet Kukushi.
"Kuku what now?"

*Kara pushes Barry out of the way leaving herself to get hit by the car*


*Barry picks her up and brings her to the DEO*

Barry, the new DEO place is at 612 Lane
"Got it"

*Kara passes out*


Help! Kara, she got knocked out.

*J'onn, and a short haired brunette rush into the room*

"What happened?" J'onn asks.
I don't know. Two people showed up and threw cars with their minds. We got them out of the city, and at that point, they knocked Kara out.
"How do you know her identity?" The brunette asks
I came to this earth a few months ago and I met her.
"Ok? What do you mean by this Earth?" Alex asks confused
"Multiverse theory" Winn says as he walks in.
Hey Winn
"Hey Barry."
"You two know each other?" Alex asks even more confused
"Explain later, what matters is that we save Kara's life" J'onn says loudly.

*Kara is lied down on a medical bed and they start to run some tests on her*

"Sir, on her clothes, there are little specs of kryptonite." A doctor says
What's kryptonite?
"It's what Kara is not immune to" Alex says panicked.
"How bad is it?" J'onn asks
"Not as bad as it could be. Luckily we got it off, and she should be awake in about half an hour, and ready to go in an hour" The doctor continues.
|Thank god| Barry says in his thoughts
"Now that everything is fine, please explain everything you mentioned earlier"
Right. Ok so. My name is Barry Allen. I am from another Earth. I was testing a  device that could make me run faster and I ran too fast and ended up on this Earth.
"Essentially, the multiverse theory is true" Winn remarks.
"Ok then." Alex says clearly still confused


*Kara wakes up*

"Ugh, what happened?"
You were knocked out.
"The two kuku's, where are they, what happened to them?"
We have no idea, I panicked and brought you here after you got knocked out. The DEO is doing the best they can to find them.

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