XXVI - The Valor

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Hey everyone!!!!

I'm so happy that What Is Love is hitting +10,5K reads! You guys are awesome xD

Thank you for reading my story, I hope you enjoy it!!

And so, this is the next update for What Love Is!

And I'm going to dedicate this to: @NaluFan_7195

Thanks for being a supportive readers!!!! I love youuu <33

You guys should follow her because she's really nice!!! xD

And I want to say thank you too for my friend, Devi Ananta, for checking this grammar for me. I'm sorry if my grammar is really bad, Dep wkwk.

Disclaimer: Fairy Tail doesn't belong to me. It belongs to Hiro Mashima!

Anyway, enjoy this chapter. Please vote and comment if you want ;;)

Here's the hint for valor meaning:

• Valor (noun): boldness or determination im facing great danger, especially in battle; heroic courage;


Natsu P.O.V

I was thinking about something which seemed like I'd forgotten. But what was it? I felt that this thing was really important.

"No, Jevar!" Lucy screamed and I immediately looked at Jevar. He had injected himself with the virus. My eyes widened.

"What are you doing?!!"

I quickly got near him and took the antidote from him as fast as I could.

"Gramps, do you have any new injection? Please I really need that,"

"Wait, I'll go check first," Gramps searched for the injection quickly.

"What are you doing?!! Do you know that it's really dangerous!! I've told you right and you know it by yourself!" I yelled at him, hard.

"Yeah I know,"

"Then why?!! Why do you want to get killed?!!"

"For what and who do I live for? I've got nothing else. My precious parents died. I can't even get my revenge against the killers. I'd rather die,"


Lucy slapped him hard on the face.

"What are you talking about?" She said.

"For what and who do you live for? That's a stupid question. You live for yourself! You mattered! So what if you can't get to avenge your parents? The killers had died as well! Why do you want to get a revenge so much when you can do something else to make your parents proud and happy? I bet they don't want you to avenge them," she said while her shoulders shook and her face was covered by her hair.

Then she snapped her head up and said with teary eyes, "They want you to live your life to the fullest and for you to just have fun!"

"Luce..." I took her into my arms and patted her head.

"Beside, there's Ruka right? What will she do if you're dead?" I asked him.

"I really don't deserve her kindness,"

"Don't say that. Everybody deserves kindness,"

"I really don't know what to do," he said.

"Live your life to the fullest and have fun with it, right, Luce?"

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