XXIV - Rushed

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Hey everyone!!!!!

This is the a double update, so I'm gonna post this with the next chapter.

Sorry for the long long long waiting.... I was stuck on the next chapter T^T

But thank you so much for be patient on waiting :3

Anyway, I'm going to dedicate this chapter to: @XCakeCrusadorX

Thanks for being a really good reader! You guys should follow her! xD

So that's it. I hope you enjoy reading this chapter xD


Natsu P.O.V

The virus has done. I took long breath and began to stretch my arms. This thing was really tiring. I've stayed awake for several days.

"Have you done?" Jevar asked.

"Yeah," I answered with a worried look. He wasn't going to do this right?

"Let me see," Jevar took my place and began to analyzed it.

I walked to the glass wall and saw Lucy was sleeping in her cell with Ruka by her side. I began to my conclusion that Jevar and Ruka weren't bad people.

"It's perfect," I heard Jevar said.

"You really gonna do that?" I asked him.

"Of course. I've been waiting for this all of my life,"

"Seriously? Have you think about the consequences? And do you really think that the person called Makarov really do that?"

"Yeah! He was one of the government! And I know that when my parents went to the government that day, it was only a trap! The government wanted to killed my parents from the first place!" He shouted with anger in his eyes.

"Why did the government want to kill your parents? I thought that your parents were friend with the government because they helped the government with things?"

"Being a spy means to know everything. My parents knew everything about the government. I think the government have done something bad and wanted to keep it buried. But do you know who has all the access to the government?"

I gasped and said, "Your parents,"


"Wait, where do you know all of this?"

"There were hidden cameras on the lab. I went to the lab a year after my parents died and found the video. I saw the government were there after my parents died and I saw Makarov,"

Even though he told me about it, still I think it wasn't a good idea to take revenge on someone. And talk about the virus, what if he was clumsy? It was a really dangerous virus. Even though there's the antidote. But the antidote must be given for the first six hours after the the person was injected by the virus. I'm afraid he injected the wrong people and didn't even notice that he was injected him/her.

"I can't hold you back because it's your decision after all. But I want to say, please think about it all over again. Don't you want to talk to Makarov first to make things clear? I got a feeling that he didn't killed your parents,"

"Just shut up would you? This is my decision and I want him dead!"

Woaah. I made him mad. But somehow I knew that he still hesitated about this. What can I do then? Lucy was on his hand. I just hope Jellal and Erza will come here soon. It has been a week already. I wonder where are they. Did this place is really hard to find?

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