Chapter 11 - Friend or Foe

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" It's ok, I won't hurt you, come on out." I heard her say.
          I stayed low to the ground not budging an inch. " Come on, everything's ok." She calmly and kindly said.
          The way she said it felt like she was making me revel myself. Her voice was very compelling. I slowly rose and she approached me. When I became a little uncertain I took a few steps back. I didn't know this girl, I didn't know anything about her. She smelled different from any human, she smelled like Stella's description of what a conjurer would smell like and the man from yesterday that nearly killed me. I'm a tougher creature than I thought. I thought to myself.  She smiled at me and told me her name was Isabella. She seemed nice, but deep down inside me, I heard a voice telling me not to trust her. " Don't trust her," It said. " She's lying to you Serefina." I pushed the voice down and shrugged it off like nothing happened.
" What's your name?" Isabella asked.
" M-My name is Serefina." I responded shyly.
" Nice to meet you! So, what are you doing out here?" She asked.
" J-Just exploring. Me and my family just moved here." I explained. It was the truth but I said it as to not make her suspect anything.
" Oh uh, look at the time, I have to go." She vocalized.
             With that she left. She seems really nice, I might've just met a new friend. I told myself in my head. The voice though was still there telling me to be wary of her.
I know I said I might not be able to update but we're flying first class and have free wifi so I decided to write one more chapter for u guys before we got there. Bye and hoped u enjoyed this chapter. Stay tooned for more!

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