Chapter 6 - A Surprising Twist

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                 I was utterly confused. What was he talking about? " You nasty, stinky, cursed creature!" He yelled.
" W-What?" I said fearfully.
" You know what I mean. Don't think I didn't notice that you took your bracelet off. You are one of them now. A creature of the night. A killer!" He yelled furiously.
" I-I don't know what your talking about." I replied.
" YOUR A WEREWOLF!" He screamed.
                Mother then rushed in carrying a hunting rifle. I noticed a smell. It was the smell of wolfsbane!  I didn't know what to do. Dad quickly grabbed the gun and started loading it. I was frozen, stunted still at what had just happened. I couldn't move. Dad started aiming the gun at me. I was still to shocked to move. Then at of nowhere Alreic smashed through the window like a great big boulder hitting the ground after a five mile drop. He landed on top of dad and bit his leg. Then over to mother and smashed against her knocking her out. He then told me to run outside. I listened, finally able to move my body. I rushed like a bald eagle diving in on it's prey. I got outside and finally felt safe. Alreic leaped out the window yelling at me to get on his back. I listened and we ran off into the oncoming dawn.

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