epilogue Part 16

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True to his word Kevin spent the entire night of their return home marking every inch of Jason's body as his, and Jason finally got a chance to place feather kisses on places he always wanted to kiss.

As the new year went by, the relationship between Jason and Kevin blossomed beyond the scopes of Jason's imagination. They still kept to most of their usual routine; Kevin's morning coffee run, impromptu lunch or dinner dates and spending time with their friends.

During the first weeks of January, Cynthia finally put to bed, making Megan and Jason proud godparents to a bouncing , chubby cheek, wide eye baby boy named Max.

The Month of May came with all it's goodies; warm weather, green grass and Cynthia finally graduating from college. Cynthia had decided on having a small party in a park to which Kevin, Jason, Megan and other of her friends where to be in attendance.

When Jason and Kevin arrived at the graduation party they walked over to where John, Cynthia and the new baby stood and congratulated the new graduate on her achievements.

"So you guys made it" Cynthia said as she pulled Kevin in for a hug before taking Jason in for one as well.

"We did, sorry we are late I had some work to tidy up" Kevin said.

Bending over to say hello to the little guy reclining in his stroller, Jason asked if he could pick him up.

"Go ahead" said the baby's father

"Be careful. Don't drop him" added the baby's mother. causing the three men laughter but when they saw just how serious the look on her face was, the amusement varnished from their faces.

"So..." said John, taking a more serious tone and stance. "...I don't think I can hold it in any longer" he added.

"Hold what?" Jason asked, still rocking the baby in his arms.

"Well Megan told us about you guys, she said you guys were dating." John stated looking both his friends square in the face.

Not expecting this line inquiry, Jason almost let him self go but remembering Cynthia's earlier warning not to drop her baby he composed him self enough to give john a reply.

Before Jason could speak Kevin came up behind him and placing a hand on the small of his back ,simply said "She is right".

Cynthia smiled and said she was happy for the two and that Jason finally got some one who deserved him, but her baby's daddy on the other hand said

"I will be darned" and taking the last drop of the drink in his hand excused him self to go get another.

Putting the baby back into his carriage Jason went after John.

"Hey..." Jason said when he final caught up to John at the bar stand. "...you don't like the fact that am gay?" he asked.

"No no that not it" John replied honestly. "Am just worried that .... did he jump you or something?" John finally asked outright.

Laughing loud enough to draw the attention of Kevin and Cynthia and Megan who was now bending over her god son, Jason said.

"Am afraid I did seducing or at list tried too."

The look of surprise on John's face was priceless giving Jason another reason to laugh out loud.

Taking on a more serious tone John asked "So do you ... you know... love the guy?"

Jason nod his head in response before voicing it out "I do"

The serious look of John's face soften and they made their way back to the group now gathered around baby Max.

On their drive home Kevin got a call. picking up the phone he said

"Hello Cole what do you want?"

A smile spread on Jason's face on hearing Cole's name , although he knew he was not in Cole's good books, he still found the love hate relationship between his boyfriend and Cole funny.

"You are what?" Kevin's voice exclaimed, pulling Jason from his happy thoughts.

Kevin listened a while to the caller at the other end before saying " am on my way."

"His at the airport". Kevin said in response to Jason's questioning look.

"I guess we're off to the air port then"

" yes" came Kevin's reply

"So how long is he staying this time?" Jason asked

"He said indefinitely, I forgot to tell you, he called last week to say he will be moving here to do some writing but I think he just want to be closer to Megan, I think they are dating."

Nodding his head in agreement Jason added, "at list he called ahead this time even if he didn't specify the day of his arrival."

"He may just stay till you leave, you never know" Jason added in low tones

A knowing smile spread on Kevin's face as he kept his attention on the room, he knew what Jason was getting at.

"Am not going any were anytime soon, at list not with out you." Kevin said

"What do you mean?" asked Jason ,his gaze fixed on the man driving beside him

"I mean if I ever leave I want you to come with me, you can go to art school out there, you always talked about going.

"yes, art school that's a great idea. I will go with you if you want me too, I don't want you missing your opportunity at making partner at your dad's firm, I already have a bad prep with Cole I don't want one with you dad."

Laughing out loud Kevin reached out right his hand and grabbing Jason's left one and linked their fingers together before bring it up to his lips. "god I love you" he said, I think I always had I just didn't know it."

Turning to look at Jason , surprise written all over his face

"What?" asked Kevin releasing Jason's hands.

"Nothing I just thought I will be the first one to say the L word." Jason said

"You can still say it you know" Kevin replied

"Yes I know, am just glad that we worked out", Jason pausing for a long while before calling to Kevin.

"Kevin" Jason said

"Yes" Kevin answered

"I do love you too you know that right?"

"I know" Kevin replied as two drove on, thinking of the long road ahead of them.


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