Part 14

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When Jason woke up the next morning, he turned over to see the peaceful face of Kevin still trapped in dream land.He had an overwhelming urge to lean close enough to place feather like kisses on the peaceful countenance before him.

Deciding against his first inclination, Jason toke a long shower and ordered room service for breakfast. Standing half naked in front of a large mirror attached to one of the closet doors, Jason ran his fingers through his hair endeavoring to style it to his satisfaction.

Jason hard the sleeping figured of Kevin stir followed by a coarse voice.

"You're up early" said Kevin in a gloomy voice.

"I see you are not a morning person" Jason replied as he rummage the small closet for something to wear.

Standing up and stretching out his tall frame, Kevin went in to the bathroom and Jason soon hard the sound of running water.

When Kevin final came out of the bath room he wore one of the hotel's bath robs and had a towel hanging on his neck . "so did yo sleep well" he asked?

"i did" Jason answered, now fully dressed but till standing in front of the mirror.

Walking up so he was standing close behind Jason who was now dressed but still fussing with his hair ,Kevin leaned in and said in soft low tones

"you know, you look good any way you style it."

Bring his busy fingers to an abrupt stop, Jason gave Kevin a confused look through the mirror. turning to face Kevin he said.

"So I was not dreaming then"

"About me I hope" Kevin asked with a mischievous look on his face

"About what we talked about last night". said Jason

"No you didn't dream that" Kevin replied as he lifted his right hand and ran his fingers through Jason's damp hair.

Before the mood could get any more intimate, a sharp knock came from the door.

Jason watched as Kevin step towards the closet and grab some cloths and then head back into the bath room before moving to answer the door.

At first the look Jason gave the waiter who brought the room service was not a friendly one but repenting his action, Jason gave the waiter a tip so generous that the later left the room with a big smile on his face.

Just as Jason closed the door behind him another knock sounded on the door, stepping up an opening the door once again he saw Megan dressed in a light comfortable dress smiling up at him.

Walking pass Jason, Megan made her self at home and helped her self to some of the food just brought in.

"So how was your night? I see you guys got up late too. Did you go somewhere else after you left the club?"

"No not really" Jason replied, remembering how he and Kevin wondered about for over an hour before actually getting to their hotel.

"So how was your night?..." asked Jason, " seemed to be having fun last night"

"It was OK I guess" Megan smiled mischievously, taking a sip from the coffee she had poured her self.

When Kevin came out from the bath room the three shared the little breakfast, before heading out to find John and Cynthia.

As the five friends stepped out left their hotel that afternoon, the sun was blazing hot in the sky and the humid air was nearly unbearable but they were not to be discouraged. The five spent the afternoon sight seeing and come lunch time they dined at a quaint little Thai restaurant Cynthia found on Yelp.

The friends spent the next few days bathing in the sun, sight seeing and having a time of their life, away from home. By the end of the trip Jason thought it went better than he had anticipated. The five then went back to a cold winter weather and their life in a small town.

During the flight home home Kevin invited his three friends to his parents for the new year, promising to fly the three over in his family's private jet. Megan replied in the affirmative saying she had never flew in a private jet before and would not miss the opportunity . John and Cynthia declined saying Cynthia will put to bed by that time and the baby will be needing a-lot of attention.

During the remaining few months of the year Jason waited invain for Kevin to make up his mind as he had promised on their trip to Miami. The two still spent time together, alone and with friends and when Christmas came Kevin went home for Christmas at his parent's promising to come back in time to take them over for the new year party which his family usually held.

Late in the evening on December thirtieth, Kevin waited at the air port for Megan and Jason as promised. The flight to Kevin's place was a swift one and but by the time they got their destination it was late into the night so they all went off to bed.

When morning came, Megan was swept of her feet by a very happy looking Cole, she could tell he was surprised to see her as Kevin had promise to keep her visit a secret. The two spent most of the day alone, sightseeing.

"Here..." Kevin said handing Jason a large packed "'s a late Christmas gift "

Opening to see a beautifully sewn suit, similar to the ones Kevin usually wore. Jason gave Kevin a warm smile

"woo it looks expensive... I like it, I hope it fix's though."

"It should, I tried my best to describe to tailors what you looked like and showed them pictures of you"

"What pictures?"

"I had some pictures of you from our Miami trip on my phone so" Kevin explained.

"Oh ... that" was Jason's low reply

"I though maybe you"ll like to wear it this evening. I like to take you out on a date before the party this evening". said Kevin in a low tone.

When Jason's brain processed what he just hard, he almost let fall the suit he held in his hands.

"Sure" was all the reply Jason could mutter, but what he meant to say was " Finally". Pausing a while to compose him self, he asked Kevin to follow him to his guest bed room.

Digging through his bag Jason dug out a small box, handing it to Kevin said

"It's not as expensive but it also something you can wear."

Kevin's face was one of pure delight when he opened the packed to revel a blue tie with a tie pin clipped on it.

"I love it..." Kevin said, looking from the Jason's satisfied face to the the items he held in his hand.

"Now get dressed and lets head out. I will wait for you down stair when am done getting ready my self" Kevin added, turning to leave the room.

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