Part 8

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     Come fourth of July evening Jason was packed and ready to hit the road, he stood in front of his apartment waiting for Kevin and Megan.  Megan who usually drove up a night before had stayed behind to help organize an event at work, so she decided to drive down with the two.

   When  Kevin picked up Megan she texted Jason to say they were on their way .Waving at the two and saying a quick hello Jason trow his back pack into the back sit before climbing in.

   The three spent the next hour and the half chatting, and Megan kept on telling Kevin what to expect from  her extended family and neighbors who were also going to be in attendance. With Megan in charge of the radio the three had a smooth drive down to their destination.

   When the three got to Megan's family home, the place was swarm with people. Jason could read pure astonishment on Kevin's face . There were kids of all ages running here and there, teenagers, men and women of different ages . To Jason the sight had come to be a familiar one but remembering how he felt the first time he saw this crowd, Jason could understand just how Kevin felt.

   Soon as they found a space to pack, the two men lost sight of Megan. Jason did his best to show Kevin around and introduced him to faces he remembered. John and Cynthia were seated snuggled by the big bonfire rowing in the center of the yard.

    "Hey I see you guys finally made it" said John when the two walked over to the love birds.

    "Yes .. it was quite a drive, I have never seen so much open country in my life" said Kevin bending to sit on a low stool next to the couple.

   "Well it takes some getting use to" said Cynthia, "Were is Megan? she came with you guys right?" she asked.

    "Yes" answered Jason, stooping to sit himself.

    "Woo there are more people than I  expected" exclaimed Kevin in a low voice.

    "Ya, they make fourth of July a big thing around here, most of the people here own the  neighboring farms, so they come out here with their families  and wallah we have a carnival." John said, spreading his hand out to indicate his surrounding.

     As the night grew darker the fire works started. With every one's attention focused on the beautiful display of colors in the sky, Jason had ample chances to steal longing glace at the object of his affection.

      The look on Kevin's face as he watched the display was priceless and before he knew it, Jason spent halt of his time watching Kevin and the other half watching the display of fire works.

    When the supply of fireworks diminished, kids of all ages and even adult gathered around the bonfire to roast marshmallows and sandwich them between chocolate and crackers .

    As the night went by Jason went over to say his hello to Megan's parents, during which he also introduced Kevin. The party slowly wined down as most guest left and the kids were hurried off away to bed. 

     Still seated by the born fire, listening to low music and drinking beer Kevin told his new friends how he celebrated past independents days. Jason listen with more enthusiasm than most, every detail he could get about Kevin's life was like a nickel added to a jar of collection.

     As the air grew cooler most of the people around the fire snuggled into blankets or snuggled together for warmth.  Remembering  he had forgot to pack extra layer of clothing, Jason sat  shivering occasionally by the fire, he did not notice Kevin stand up to leave the group, and by the time he noticed, the other had returned with a green blanket and laid it on Jason's shoulder.

    "I can't believe you did not bring a jacket, I thought you come to this thing every year", said Kevin in a reprimanding tone.

    "Yes I did forget, but good thing you hand a blanket handy" smiled Jason warping the cloth tighter around his body.

     "You're just lucky I got that as a gift when I bought my truck."  Kevin said as he toke a sip from his beer.

   "Let me guess Dan's motors."

    "Yes how did you guess"

    "It's the only car dealership in town, I think the rest just rent out."

   "ah  figures".

    "So you bought it out right. hmm.. that cool may be I can bye it off you at a good discount when you leaving town, since we such good friends."  Jason said in jest, his gaze never leaving Kevin's.

    Kevin's reply to Jason statement was a loud laugh, almost spiting out the warm beer he had been drinking.

   Jason dozed off sometime during the night and when he work up the fire was out and it was almost day break. Shaking Kevin's sleeping figure awake the two started off for home.

When they got into town the sleep in Jason's eyes seem to disappear and he became more aware of his surrounding, Kevin's voice came to him low but audible enough.

   "Do you want to get some breakfast before heading home?"

   "Sure why not, there is a small diner close to my place"

After breakfast, Kevin drove Jason to his apartment.

    "You didn't have to pay for my meal you don't owe me any thing"

    "But you drove us there and back and there is the cost  of gas too consider."

    "Funny I don't remember asking you to pay for gas."

    "Ya right, let's just say it was  my treat, and leave it at that OK". Jason said reaching behind to grab his back pack.

   Before Jason could get out of the car Kevin asked

   "Do you mind if i hang out at your place for a while, no work tomorrow and am kind off tired."

   "Sure" replied Jason, a smile creeping to his lips.

     When the two got in to Jason's apartment , Kevin made for the couch before he could lower his weight to said couch, Jason grabbed him by the arm pulling him back to his feet.

    In response to kelvin's questioning look Jason said with the warmest smile he could muster.

     "You should take a shower first am sure I can find shirt and pants to fit you"

   "Nah am good", said Kevin moving to take a sit, but Jason did not release his hold but tighten his grip and lead the other to his bath room .

    "It's the shower or no couch, god knows what you may have dragged in with you from the farm." Jason added with a grin on his face. Getting in, Kevin pushed the other out and Jason soon hard the running of water.

     When Kevin was done showering , Jason toke a turn and after washing him self clean step out to the living room to see Kevin's figure stretched out on his couch asleep.

    Taking his time to study the face he had come to love over time, Jason wished he could smother the face with soft kisses.

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