Chapter 1

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                             I was already late for work and having a shit day when I tried to cross the street and hit a random pedestrian. I glanced back and rolled my eyes turning around and crouching down to help pick up the stuff the man had dropped. "I am so sorry I'm in a huge rush." I picked up the tinted sunglasses and handed them to the man who quickly snatched them and put them on. "It's fine." He said quite frankly. I did a half smile shuffling the papers into a small pile and picking these up. "Some of these got wet hope you don't mind." "They suck anyway." I raised an eyebrow and looked through them. "Are these song lyrics?" "No." "They look like song lyrics." He grabbed them and stood up sharply. "Thanks." He sped walk passed me as I stood up myself. "Damn, I apologized...?" I gathered myself and continued to almost jog to my job. 

           "You're late." The older lady looked up and down at me and made a face. "Yeah, I know my car didn't start and there was traffic!" She didn't seem to acknowledge my excuse at all and handed me my name card. "Arya, sweet pea this is your first warning." I nodded while hurrying to slip on the name card. "And you need to wear something, else..." I glanced down at my sky blue jacket. "Something else?" "Something more revealing if you're gonna work as a bar waitress." I glanced at her and back at my clothes. She handed me a shirt and nodded towards the bathroom, I was already working illegally and I didn't want to get noticed as it was, but I needed the money so I no choice. I shut the door and locked it slipping my jacket off and putting on the new shirt which was way too revealing. "Linda I mid as well walk out there in a bra!" I called out. "Maybe you should, we'd get more business!" I rolled my eyes and walked out pulling the shirt up but not really adjusting it well. "Great, now go serve those drunk pathetic losers!" Linda laughed shoving me out. "First day and it's already rough." I whispered. I walked over to a table and handed them their drinks as the man, with his girlfriend, looked me up and down. "Are you new here?" "Uh- yes?" He nodded with a slight smile and turned back to his girlfriend who shook her head. I walked awkwardly away and sat at the bar. The day went by slowly as I was harassed non-stop and cat called quite a bit. The life of a waitress is quite the hard one. I sat exhausted at the bar and set my head down. "You don't have to get drunk off your ass just have a drink or two!" I didn't pick up my head as I felt the seats next to me fill up. "Everything alright miss?" I slightly looked over at a guy who looked at me worriedly. "Too much to drink?" I shook my head and sat up pushing my hair out of my face. He glanced down at my shirt, or what I hope was my shirt and smiled. "Waitresses get drunk here?" "I'm not drunk." "My names Spencer." I smiled and got out of the seat. "Aw don't leave my buddy yet, he's great in bed." I glanced at Spencer's friend who smiled innocently. "Brendon shut up dude." Alright, I was 100% fed up with these customers. I walked to the back and shut the door with a huge sigh. "Freedom!" I took the shirt off and stuffed it in my bag when the door opened up. I quickly twisted my head around as the man who I had bumped into earlier stood in the doorway. "I was- um." I stared at him and covered myself. "Do you mind!?" "Not really." "Dude! Get out!" "I need to speak to Linda, the owner." I raised an eyebrow waiting for him to you know, leave!? He stood awkwardly in the doorway staring at the wall. "Dude! Just leave and i'll grab her on my way out!" He nodded and shut the door quietly as I continued to stare in disbelief. How can someone be that much of an airhead!? I opened the door after slipping my jacket on and shut it looking around. "You looked better the last time I saw you." I turned my head to see the man leaning against the wall. "Fuck off." I snapped and pulled my bag strap up to my shoulder. "What's your name?" He asked. "It's not interested, now please." I really wasn't interested in a relationship, I had just finally broke free of my abusive one. "Oh come on, a name won't hurt." "Arya." "Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." I did a half smile and adjusted my hair. "Linda, there's a guy here for you." Linda appeared around the corner looking around. "Is that my favorite alcoholic Ryan?" I gave a snort like laugh and shook my head. "Am I done here?" I asked. Linda nodded as I started to walk out. Home, here I come!

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