#22 Theif or Protector

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Your POV;

It is now dark but that didn't seem to bother me. Branch had put his vest on me to keep me warm. I admit it was kinda cold because we were out on the water. Branch was just sitting there...smiling. He was shirtless😳...hawt!!! (Well besides that satchel) "(Y/N)." I heard him call snapping me out of my thoughts. "Look." He pointed ahead. I traced the direction of his finger. In the black diamond filled sky, a light assented from the highest room in the castle. "The princess..." Branch whispered. I faced him now, he was close to me. "It is her birthday." My eyes widened. "Branch, it is my birthday." I whispered, Branch only smiled and took both of my hands. "(Y/N), I knew you were the princess from the moment I climbed up that tower and met you. The way you walk, talk, and handle everyone else...you're complete royalty. Happy birthday (Y/N)." I leaned in toward him. He held me back. "Look, (Y/N)!" He pointed behind me again. It was getting brighter everywhere around us. I turned around. I gasp in awe as many....stars..or lights just fill the sky. They float around us, over us....they're just everywhere. "This is what they do every year for your birthday." Branch said looking up towards the beautiful now brighter sky. "Every year?" I ask. Branch taps my shoulder and I turn again. He holds two lanterns in each hand. I jump up and down shaking the boat. "Whoa! Calm down!" He says shaking and almost dropping them. I sat down and calmed myself. He handed me one, I felt the warmth on my palms. "To the stolen princess." Branch said raising his. "To Perenia." I raised mine along with his. We both released our bright lanterns into the air. I watched hem Spiral around each other. "(Y/N), I have something else for you." He pulled his satchel off from around his torso. He opened it and pulled out a.....crown. It sparkled due to the lights all around us. I inhaled deeply and he placed it on my head. His eyes widened. "That suits you." Branch said in awe of meh. I smiled at him locking our eyes together. I don't even care where it came from, I just love him.

Branch's POV;

I feel so guilty. I am a thief, and (Y/N) deserves to know the truth. Well, here it goes. I grab hold of her hands again and let her fingers dangle inches away from my knees. "(Y/N), I stole that crown.." She looked up at me, surprised. "Why would you steal it?" She asked with a touch of fear in her voice. "My dad is dying so I stole the crown to take it apart and sell the jems to get him some medicine. I put my hands over my eyes. "I don't know what I was thinking." Silence cut us off and I could tell she was not staring at the lanterns.

Hey guys VodkaFace69 here and I'm sorry for being late, Father's Day was a bitch and we're building a new goat fence. ITS HUGE. But anyway...I miss my biscuit, I guess he's in a better place now...please comment a 🐐 if you miss him just as much as I do. Thanks guys for all the support and I'll see you on the next page.

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