Steve's hero

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Steves POV

After I left Heylee at the bakery, my heart broke. I didn't want to lose her, I wanted her to live a normal life.

I drew a picture of her after our first dinner. I had her face so fresh in my mind I had to put it on paper. I decided to send her that sketch. She had to see how beautiful she was through my eyes.

To sum up everything the past few day, Fury told me Coulson was putting together a team, but this was more then a team. It was a league of heroes. Not like me but people with special abilities.

The man behind the plans for the tesseract was a God named Loki. He sure did have a idea for our destroy it and make it his own.

Not under our watch.

Once we found Loki, We took him to the ship, which in all honesty felt like a floating city. Some things still amaze me.

But something went wrong. Somehow Loki was able to manipulate our team. He was able to trap Thor and send him flying off the ship and hurt a crucial member of our team.

Phil Coulson.

I never got to sign his collected cards. Instead they were covered in his blood. Loki stabbed him and is now pronounced comatose. The chances of him waking up are slim. ( A/N: I didn't want to kill him off because who doesn't love Coulson!)

I promise to make things right. For him. He deserved it. He got us all together to defeat Loki...and thats exactly what we were gonna do.

We figured that the highest place he could bring the portal was at Stark Tower. Thor tried to talk it over with him but we noticed that the portal opened, and Chitauri flew through.

Once I was assured that Natasha and Clint had me covered, I ran off the bridge to the bus ahead where the police men were, dodging laser beams and debris flying everywhere.

I finally made it to them and explained to two police officers. " You need men in these two buildings. There could be people inside running into the line of fire. Take them to the basements or subway. Just keep them off the streets. I need a parameter as far as 39th."

He looked at me as if I was crazy.

" Why should we listen to you?" He hollered back at me.

In that moment a member of the Chitauri flew over and shot at an abandoned taxi which made it explode and flip in the street. The chitauri jumped at me and tried to strike but I blocked him with my shield and crushed its armor as well. I repeated this several times as more came at me. In the end I was able to kill off seven, all on my own.

The police man saw everything he needed to and repeated to his men my strategy plan. Looking out, I saw that Chitauri were ushering several civilians into a building. I made quick to get inside.

After jumping in the building, I was attacked by three Chitauri's, Each trying to either throw me back out of the building or kill me. I kick and fight off the first two and was able to warn the civilians below.

" Everyone, move out of the building, Quick!"

I see that they rush towards the exit as I kill one of the Chitauri which sends his gun over the edge.

A rogue one come up from behind me and pulls at my mask. I quickly backflip and hit him with my shield.

Within my glance I see a female civilian found a Chitauri with a grenade and she shot him with one of its own guns just a second too late. He still set off the explosion.

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