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Steve's POV

It's three in the morning and Im parked in front of the bakery. Heylee said she was going to open the shop today, but I wanted to be there just in case she needed me.
Jimmy told me she arrives early to begin prepping and baking for the day.

I see a flicker in the side walk and notice a small figure with a flashlight. They go to the door and I hear the jingle of keys. It's her and I smile.

"I think you need to shorten your amount of keys. I heard you coming from down the street." I said making her jump. She groaned and raised her hand to hit me, which only ended up with me catching it so se wouldn't hurt herself.

" Don't do that!" She said and smacked my hand as I laughed.
" I'm so sorry."
" what are you doing here? We don't open for another three hours." Heylee asked stumped at my appearance.
I raised my shoulders. " Came to see if you wanted help."
" Help me? Bake?"
She put her hand on her hip. " really?"
"Why not?" I countered waiting for an answer. 
She laughed and opened the door. " ok then. Come on in."

She turned on the lights and locked the door behind me. She ripped the closed till Tuesday sign off and moved into the kitchen.

Heylee moved fast in the kitchen grabbing a spare apron for me.

" I need three boxes of eggs from the fridge, please."
She asked to get me things like milk and baking powder. We cracked a dozen eggs and poured milk into a large mixer.

" what are we mixing here?" I asked as we continued to put ingredients together.
" why fresh baked rolls of course." she replied and wiped her hands on her apron, then moved to the pantry.
Looking in her direction, she started to pull a large bag of flour. It must have weighed at least forty pounds.
I rushed immediately to help her.
" Thank you."
I smiled and nodded, lifting the bag with ease. She nervously wiped a bead of sweat from her head with her arm and then moved to the other side of the kitchen to get a scissor to cut open the bag.

" ok, I'm gonna turn on the mixer and you slowly pour the flour in."

She turned on the large mixer and I lost my handling on the bag and flour flew everywhere.

Heylee screamed and laughed as flour flew in our faces. She quickly turned off the mixer and we were both covered in white flour.

She laughed and kneeled to the floor.

" it's a mess in here." She stated looking at the room which still snowed white flour to the floor.

" I'm sorry." I smiled as I swished the flour from my hair.
" oh it's okay. It was pretty funny actually."
I grabbed a broom from the corner and began to clean and watched as Heylee continue to mix and bake.

Soon her employee entered and helped her bake cookies and muffins and before I knew it, it was time to open the bakery.

" I guess I better go." I said from the other side of the door.
" wait...here. For all of your help." She said and offered me a bag. Inside I found a warm buttered roll. " These were from your batch. Thank you for coming."

 " So, what do you think? Can I be a worker for the bakery?"

She twisted her mouth in thought " Hmm... you can be a cashier and bus boy."

The Girl over the Bridge: A Captain America Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now