5. Well, this is awkward

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This chapter is also PG-13, but I don't really think it is. It's just underwear! I swear, nothing gross or something like that. And like the title says, it's a bit awkward, but awkward is fun right? 


Alexis P.O.V

The next morning I wake up at six AM, which is late for me. I'm a real morning person, except when someone wakes me up, then they better run for their lives. Not my fault, thank Lucas for that. My sweet brother has caused that trauma, ten years ago. Long story short; he has taken waking somebody up to a hole new level. Every day another way to "wake" me up, or as I like to call it, torture me. 

I jump out of my bed, walk towards my closet and pick an outfit. A Jack Daniels tank top, ripped shorts, Dr. Martens boots and a leather jacket, that's good enough for today. Breakfast isn't until 7.30, so I've got more than a hour to do what I want. Since I haven't explored the school yet, I decide to do that. 

It's quiet on the hallway, I guess I'm the only person awake. This happens very often, so I'm used to it. There aren't many people who like to get up early. Most of the people my age, think I'm insane. They don't get why I like mornings, they usually sleep until 1 PM. I think it's a waste of daylight, but it's their choice. 

As soon as I get started, I notice there isn't much to explore. The highest floors are all rooms where the students live, so they are basically hallways with doors in the walls and sometimes a painting. The building has got six floors, four of them contain rooms for students. The other two have classrooms and a canteen, nothing special.

The hallways are dark, the sun is still down. For me, the perfect moment to take a walk. I love walking in the dark, I don't know why. Everything is more fun in the dark, swimming is at the top of my list. I seriously have a list, how dumb it may sound. 

Swimming, it sounds like a good plan. There is one in the forest, I haven't been there yet, but it stands in the letter. Without realizing it, I begin to walk faster. Before I know it, I'm outside and it's still pretty cold. The worst thing that can happen, is catching a cold. That's not much, right? No, it isn't, it's worth it. 

After a few minutes of walking, I reach the forest. It can't be far from here, it's not really big. My feet sink into the wet mud, but I don't care. They'll get clean eventually, if it starts raining or if I step in a puddle. The moment I see the lake, I start to get undressed. Underwear or naked? Just to be sure, I let my underwear on. I don't want the same thing as yesterday happening, so I'm going to be a little more careful.

The water is cold, but it feels nice. Only my feet are in the water right now and I decide to get it over with. It's better to do everything at the same time than taking baby steps. I close my eyes and dive into the water. The cold water hits my body hard, but it isn't that bad. Once I'm in, it's a pretty nice temperature. 

My body floats on the water, totally relaxed. Suddenly, something pushes me down. My eyes shoot open and look around. Nothing, that's weird. I look underwater, still nothing. The moment my head gets above the water, it's licked by something. With a weird look on my face, I look at the dog in front of me. How in hell has that dog gotten here?

I swim to a place I can stand and whistle at the dog. Within seconds he's swimming in front of me, it's a well trained dog. Who leaves a dog in the forest? It makes no sense to me. The dog is a siberian husky, with a snow white fur. I slowly move my hand towards his head, trying to touch him. If he doesn't like it, I'll notice that soon enough. 

My hand touches the soft fur, he doesn't seem to hate it. So I've proved it's a sweet dog and now I want to know his name. Maybe he's got a collar, or something like that. I can't see it in the water, so I need him to sit on my lap. With small steps, I walk out of the water. At a random point, I sit down and smack with my hands on my legs.

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