Chapter 16

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"Jenny!!!!!!" Is all I heard before I blacked out.

-Jerome's POV-

I couldn't make it. The guy, she skied into, picked her up. He looked surprised. Katie ran up to him "Zach." How does she know him.

-Katie's POV-

"We need to get Jenny to the hospital!" I yelled at Zach. He took off with Jenny and jumped into his car and drove to the hospital. Everyone was shocked and confused. "Britt, you and me go to the hospital." "Im coming too!" Jerome said. "No you need to relax." "But who's that guy." He protested. "We will tell you later." Britt repeated. "Biggums, Lizzie and I will take you home and then find out whats going on." Mitch said. Jerome was just freaking out.

-Mitch's POV-

I need to help Jerome. He is really worried about Jenny.

(After Mitch and Lizzie take Jerome home)

-Lizzie's POV-

Mitch takes me back to the hospital in Minnesota. I rush to the front desk. I see Katie, Britt and Zach sitting in the waiting area. "Guys wheres Jenny." "The doctor told us to wait here." Katie said. "Zach, its nice to meet you again." He got up and shook my hand. "Yeah, its been a while Lizzie." he replies. "Why are you here?" I asked him.

-Zach's POV-

"Why are you here?" Lizzie asked me.

"I moved here away from Georgia, after Jenny broke up with me." "I couldn't handle what I did to her." "It was all my fault." I replied. Britt and Lizzie looked confused. "Katie or I will tell you later." Right then the doctor came in.

-Doctor's POV-

I walked into the waiting area. I called out for anyone who was here for Jenny. They all ran up to me. "Doctor, whats going on?" One girl asked me. "Is she alright." A boy with black shot hair asked. "Jenny will be fine, she just has a broken leg and a bump on her head, but its not serious." I replied to them. "Can we go see her?" "Yes you may."

-Jenny's POV-

I awoken to a bright light. Where am I, I thought. I looked around to see I'm in a bed. Im in the hospital. I saw Britt, Katie, and Lizzie and then someone comes into the room. "Jenny." Katie whispers to me. "Are you okay." Britt asks. "Im fine." I replied. "What happened to me." Zach walks up to me and tells me what happens. "Wheres Jerome?" I asked. "I'll call him." Katie says and walks out. Zach follows.

-Katie's POV-

"I'll call him." I say to Jenny and walk outside. I was about to call Jerome when Zach started talking to me. "Katie, who's Jerome and why is Jenny looking for him?" "Jerome is Jenny's bf." I tell him. He looked sad when I said that. "Is something the matter Zach" I ask him worriedly. "Katie don't tell anyone this, especially Jenny, but I still love Jenny." "Uhm.. Zach, I dont think thats a good idea." I tell him. "I know but Im deeply sorry for everything that I have done." "Its not me you should be saying sorry to Zach." "Alright." He says and walks back inside. I call up Jerome.

(K- Katie; J- Jerome)

K- Hey.

J- Katie! Whats going on?!

K- relax everything is fine. Jenny just has a broken leg and a little bump on her head but its not serious. Jenny wants you here though.

J- ....

K- hello? Are you there?

Beep. Beep. The call was ended.

-Jerome's POV-

I hung up on Katie and ran to Mitch to tell him that I was going back to Minnesota. He was in the living room talking Adam and Ryan. "Mitch! Im going to Minnesota to see Jenny." I yell out about to run out the door. "Im coming too." He replies. Both Adam and Ryan said that they wanted to come. We all ran out the door to the car.

(Skipping a very boring car ride)

-Mitch's POV-

We got out of the car and ran up to the front desk. "Which room is Jenny in." Jerome asks eagerly. "Room R713." We run down the hall to Room R713. Of course it was all the way at the end of the hallway. I knock on the car and Lizzie opens it and comes out. "Hey, Jenny is sleeping." She whispers.

-Jerome's POV-

"Hey Jenny is sleeping." Lizzie whispers. I nod and quietly walk inside. I see the guy, who took Jenny to the hospital, sitting in the chair beside the bed.

-Ryan's POV-

"Is Britt in there" I ask Lizzie. "No, she went for a walk" she tells me. I walk outside to where Lizzie told me. I saw Britt on her phone. I quickly texted her.

R- turn around.

B- what?

Right then she turns around and sees me.

"Hey." I say. "Hi Ryan." She replies and hugs me.

-Adam's POV-

"Adam, Katie went to the cafe to get a drink." "Thanks." I tell her and run off to the cafe. I see Katie sitting at the table. I walk up to her and sit down next to her. "Hey Katie" I say. She jumps a little and then realizes its me. "Hi Adam." She says and smiles.


Hey guys! How are you doing?


Is it a good idea to leave Jerome and Zach in the same room together? Whats going to happen?


Loved at First Sight (Teamcrafted Fanfic) [Under major editing]Where stories live. Discover now