Chapter 12

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-Mitch's POV-

I want this party to be special. All our friends coming and having a great time. 

"Hey Adam and Ty, could set up the entertainment for the party" 

"Sure buddy!" Adam says. 

"Jerome and I will call up people." 

"Jason and Ian get food and dranks for the party" "Yes Sir."

"Quentin and Ryan set up the decorations and what else we need." 

After everyone left to do their jobs, Jerome and I started calling up people. 

(Skipping calls)

"Tyler (Logdotzip), Brice, Bashur, and Mat (Nooch) are coming." Jerome told me.

"Well Noah, Preston, and Woofless is coming." I said. 

-Jerome's POV-

"Oh baby!" "Biggums, I'm gonna go invite Jenny and her friends." 

I walked out the front door towards Jenny's house.

-Jenny's POV-

I hear someone knocking at the door

" I'll get it!" I yell out, so everyone can hear me. 

While opening the door, I see Jerome. "Hi Jerome, what brings you here?" I asked confused. 

"Hey Jenny, would you like to come to a party with everyone else at 5." 

"Yeah, that sounds great." I said while smiling. 

"Great, its a date." Jerome says and smirks. 

"Bye Jerome." I closed the door. "Britt, Katie, Lizzie, come here please." I yell out. 

"Who was at the door?" Lizzie ask. 

"It was Jerome, he said that we are invited to a party at 5."



"Wait what about Ashlyn, we have to pick her up today." Katie mentions. 

"Oh right." I said sadly.

"Hey Katie and I will go get Ashlyn, and then meet up with you guys later at the party." Britt says. 

"You sure." 


(Few Hours later)

-Britt's POV-  

"Katie, lets go." I repeat for the fifth time. 

"Sorry!" she proclaims. 

Katie and I hop in the car and drive towards the airport. 

-Jenny's POV-

"Jenny, hurry up already!"  I hear Lizzie say annoyingly.

"Wait, Im almost ready!!" I shout back. 

-Lizzie's POV-

I've been standing here for what seems like hours but it was only five minutes.

"ugh, I'm about to leave you."  I pronounce.

"No plz dood, wait."

I couldn't help but just crack  up at that. 

"Okay, I'm done." Jenny says while walking down the stairs.

"Wow, okay lets go!" 

Jenny and I rush across the street to the Team Crafted house. 

-At the Team Crafted House-

Loved at First Sight (Teamcrafted Fanfic) [Under major editing]Where stories live. Discover now