The Final Points

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They had to continue, they had to move on. And so, with pain in their hearts, they did. They went to their lessons, learned their knowledge and showed what they were made of. They learned some charms, jinxes, potions and spells that they could use to make life sometimes easier, sometimes funnier. They also got a chance to show the powerful spells they learned from Barkes and Poryle. The class was amazed by the knowledge they achieved, due to Gryffindor guys, showing their true identities. But Herlena started to feel weird.

Months went by like the wind. Everything went faster than they all expected, and faster than Herlena would've liked. But thanks to her adventures, she had learned a lot. She just had a bad feeling about everything around her. And what would happen next year? Will Candite come again? Will the forest do what they said? She kept walking in her deep thoughts until she reached the great hall.

"Hey, Herlena!" The group said, welcoming her with a hug and a hand shake here and there
"Hey guys." She said, with a smile. She felt happy, yet had a weird desire. She tried to push it all away, like she was just crazy for a second. But that second. She thought about Candite's Dark power. That spell she used on the castle. It was so damn powerful, yet she made it look like it took single to no effort! Herlena was scared of the power Candite possessed, yet sort of felt like she would be able to possess it as well. She could also get strong, but to become a dark wizard just for that. She scared herself, and awoke from her thoughts.
"I got to go real quick." She said.
"Where to?" Alora asked with a smile that showed some sort of concern, as if she knew how Herlena was feeling.
"Just going to walk around the castle a bit."
"Don't forget to be back in around half an hour! The ceremony won't wait for you!" Vincere said with a little smile.
"I wouldn't want to miss it." She said.

She walked outside, and looked at the scenery. The woods around the edge of the school's grounds, the water around the gigantic rock the castle stood strong upon. The beautiful grassy hill she stood on, the owlery and of course the Quidditch Field at the end of the terrain. She saw Hagrid rooting out some of the weeds around the grassy hillside. Herlena didn't know why, yet felt that she needed to go to Hagrid, and talk with him. Like she sensed something was on his mind by the way he worked. She walked over him, but he did not notice her standing in front of him. This only confirmed Herlena's thoughts.

"Hey there, Hagrid!" She said happily, smiling at him as he looked up at her in a way of a little shock, like awakening from his thoughts.
"Oh!" He said as he looked at her "Hey, aren't you supposed to be at the ceremony already?"
"No, it doesn't start for now and an hour. But, Hagrid." She said, with a slight troubling look. "Are you alright? Because I have the feeling something is bothering you. Correct me if I'm wrong."
"Ah, well it's nothing."
"You can tell me if you want to!" She said, smiling at him.

"Well. Ah you are the one person to know about this. I've talked to Mosag this morning."
"Oh really? What did she say?"
"She is furious that they are still not taken serious. They even wanted to attack me. Me! Out of any person that has ever been on these grounds, I have been the best to them! Now they almost wanted to take me down, but understood that this would have been ungrateful for the many years I cared for them, luckily."
"So, next year." She said sadly, looking down to the ground.
"I'm afraid so." Hagrid said, also looking down. "But I will still try me best to hold it off. I would be on yer side, but with pain in me heart."
"I understand, Hagrid. And I will try and help you to stop it before it happens. We just have to try our best!" Herlena said, looking up at him and smiling with power.
"Like we always do!" Hagrid said, getting happy from the smile Herlena gave him. "Now off you go! To the Great Hall! Ye don' want to be late for the big ceremony now, do ye?" He said smiling at her.

Herlena hurried back to the castle, running and sometimes skipping as her happiness was showing. She did the whole year! She became a true student which. Yet her happiness started to fade, as she was thinking about the bad things that happened. She almost died! Twice! Her friend is kidnapped, and there is a big battle coming which they can barely prevent!

Herlena Leafe: A Magical YearWhere stories live. Discover now