Tomorrow is Another Day

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The night was long, and Herlena couldn't sleep. All she could think about is what Candite did and what she wanted. Her death.

"Good morning guys." Herlena said as she walked into the great hall. The bodies off the fallen ones were still there, floating on an enchanted wooden stretcher, and a blanket over them. "Slept at all?" She asked.

"Nope, didn't get a chance to close my eyes since Percy Parvil was crying all the time because of his brother who died. Must be so hard for him right now." Vincere said.
"Didn't even sleep one second. Couldn't stop thinking about how Candite could get in here like that." Alora said. "If she could get in, maybe more criminals can!"
"Listen, Alora." Herlena started "Candite is possibly the only person capable of getting in here, since she is that talented. Her magic apparently exceeded the power of the defences from Hogwarts. Nobody would be capable of that. So don't worry."
"But look at the destruction she brought to Hogwarts in the blink of an eye." Alora started to panic.
"Alora stop. She won't attack any time soon since she knows that Hogwarts will be ready for another attack right now. And your panic won't help us find Merlina today, understood?"
"Yes." She said, trying to keep her tears in.
"We have to start looking for Merlina. The longer we wait, the more chance there is that she's... Well we are going to find her, okay?!"
"Alright!" Alora and Vincere said together.
"Best thing we can start is to ask if the ghost would help us search the building. That way we might even be faster." Vincere said.
"Great idea, Vincere!" Herlena said, punching him playfully on the shoulder. "We should start right now and have breakfast later, we are up earlier than I expected."
"Alright, which ghosts do we involve?" Alora asked.
"Any ghost we see. If they want to help they can."
"Shall we spread up to cover more ground?" Vincere asked.
"Good idea, I'll go into the dungeons to search for some ghosts there and maybe even Merlina, since this is where I found Candite." Herlena said.
"Alright I'll try to cover the outside grounds, see if there are maybe secret places she could be. Hagrid could help me with that I guess." Vincere said.
"Good, good. I will check the towers and higher areas to see if she got put away there."
"Let's go then."

So they all departed to go their way, when Herlena bumped into Ronacy.
"Hey there Ronacy. Or should I call you Bestic from now on?"
"Rather have you calling me Ronacy, doesn't blow my cover as much. What are you up to?"
"We are going to search for Merlina. The real one."
"Do you think she is somewhere in the castle?"
"Or around it, but yes. She can't be far."
"Good thing you are going to search for her. I am going away for now."
"What? Where are you going!" She said, slightly in fear. "We need you here to help us defend the school."
"The school will be fine, no problem. I am going to search for something to take Candite down. We think we got a clue to what could help us, but we are not all too happy about it."
"What is it?" Herlena asked interested.
"We think she got a horcrux."
"What is that"
"It is something that you put a piece of your soul into. Could be anything. An animal, a cup, a feather. You name it! But it can only be done when the person making it, has committed a murder. And since Candite murdered multiple people here yesterday, we are afraid she is going to make more."
"Why not take her down? Like really kill her?" Herlena asked.
"Because those horcruxes need to be destroyed before you can kill the host of those horcruxes. And we think we got a clue on a horcrux."
"How many does she have as of now?" Herlena asked, slightly hesitating her question.
"Only one. That's why we need to act quickly. If she makes more we could have a serious problem." He said, looking drastically at Herlena. "We have a big idea of what it is, and we don't like it. But the location is a very important point for us right now."
"Do you have any lead to the location?"
"Well yes, but it's still unsure if it is really there. But don't worry about that, you need to find your friend. Good luck!" He said as he walked away outside.

Herlena Leafe: A Magical YearWhere stories live. Discover now