#2 loosing a sister

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You were cleaning your sister trying to help, you didn't let her because she had the ink illness. Each minute of the day you waited for that dreadful scream of pain, you always had a reason for her to stay in bed, she never really cared but that morning the hospital was to come and collect her for treatment you had packed her bags and all you had to do is make sure she would go off safely. You weren't aloud to see her because it was dangerous. They said the ink illness was contagious when it got to treatment stage you were upset, you wanted to be there but you couldn't!. You made sure no one was outside that morning but cuphead and Oswald were to see what was happening, you walked out with your disinter you were full of ink all on your clothes. Oswald and cuphead gasped and ran over you handed your sister over to the paramedic and then all that you saw was the doors shut you waited until the ambulance was far away, you then stared to cry cuphead ran over and hugged you. You hugged back crying. You had lost your parents to the ink illness and your sister. Was the last person to leave.

You had lost your family

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