Part 26

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Part 26

Calista’s POV

 “Do it.”


“Come on! Do it!”

“No way in hell Kenzie,” I growled. McKenzie pouted and crossed her arms stubbornly. For the past 30 minutes, Kenzie had been trying to convince me to confront Evan about my ‘feelings’. Apparently, in her world, I have a ‘crush’ on Evan. Pfft, yeah right.

“Seriously though! You have to tell him! Otherwise you’ll turn into a lonely 80 year old cat lady that yells at kids to get off her lawn because she’s so cranky and full of regrets!”

I sat up from where I was sprawled across my bed and raised an eyebrow at her.

“What did you just say?”

“I said you’re going to turn into a lonely 80 year old cat lady that yells at kids to get off her lawn because she’s so cranky and full of regrets. Meanwhile, I’ll be in my retirement villa in Italy, happily giving little kids lollipops next to Matt who will be cooking me spaghetti bolognese sprinkled with the love and affection that you will never get to experience!”

“Okay, you’re officially crazy,” I laughed at her. She just stared at me earnestly, her eyes seemingly burning into my soul. I gulped before swinging myself off the bed and heading towards the door of my room.

“Anyway, this was supposed to be a girl night. Not a girl interrogation night. Come on, Electus is out tonight so we can watch a movie on the flat screen,”

“Electus?” I froze as I realized what I had just said.

“Yeah. Electus. It’s a nickname I call my mom,” I bit back a grimace as I choked out the word ‘mom’. It just didn’t feel right. We were on speaking terms now, but I will never in a million years call her my mother.

“Since when have you called her that?”

“Oh, you know. It just came to me.”

“’Kay, but why ‘Electus’?”

McKenzie’s questions were starting to bug me. Why did she have to be so curious about everything!

“Because…she is good at…fixing electricity! You know. Electricity, Electus!” I felt a dull taste on my tongue at having to lie to her.

“Okaaay then. Anyway, don’t think your off the hook. You still have to tell Evan about your feelings!”

“Sure Kenzie, I’ll tell Evan all about my non-existent feelings for him.”

“You are so stubborn.”

“You know it. Now come on, the movie’s starting!” I winked at her before jumping onto the couch and sinking into its squishy embrace. Soon enough, McKenzie hopped over and sat next to me. As a guest courtesy, I let her choose the movie. Big mistake. Before I knew it, we were watching Twilight and McKenzie was drooling over Edward Cullen. I groaned in disgust,

“How idiotic is this movie!? Why the hell does she keep asking him to kill her!”


“Now that I think about it…why is she in Forks anyway? All she does is complain, complain, complain. Just tell your mom you don’t want to freaking leave!”


“And the whole ‘I’m so manly that I can pull off being dipped in a tub of glitter’. Yeah. So manly dude. I suppose that makes the tooth fairy manly too,” I snorted.

“Shut up already Cally!”

“Okay, okay. I bet Chuck Norris can read Bella’s mind…”

“CALISTA!” McKenzie groaned, trying to hold back her giggles. I smirked at her before heading to the kitchen to get popcorn.

As the kernels heated up in the microwave, I couldn’t help but think more about the movie. Edward was a psychopathic killer that drank blood…but Bella still loved him.

Let’s not forget that Bella is also a depressed chick with serious issues and a death wish, so maybe that’s not the case.

And yet, I couldn’t help thinking…maybe I do have feelings for Evan.

The more I thought about it, the clearer things became. And, I hate to say it, but Peach was right all along. Maybe I was in denial.

/See! I told you I was your better half!/

No, you said you were the conscience of my power.

/Power, better half, same difference. Anyway, you know what you have to do right? McKenzie may have horrible taste in movies, but she is right about one thing. Do you really want to become a cranky old woman?/

Well, I don’t really have to tell him…

/You’re telling him. Full stop. Now go back to McKenzie. Your popcorn’s ready./

I pulled out the popcorn and took a deep breath before going back to my best friend and a sucky movie.


I waited a few minutes after McKenzie left before I headed off to Evan’s home. Or…Logan’s home since he was always there. My legs were shaky, and my throat felt dry, but I knew this was something I would have to do to become a happy, healthy elderly person. His door was in sight by the time I had the feeling of being followed.

Turning sharply, I scanned my surroundings, hyperaware due to the fact that I was marked. Seeing no threat, I turned back around and managed to take a few steps before I felt something drip onto my neck. Something hot and sticky.

It blew air onto my nose before letting out a low growl. Slowly, I turned around to come face to face with blood shot eyes, belonging to the largest, blood red canine I had ever seen.

It towered over me, and slowly licked it’s lips with a black, snake like tongue. Then blew another fierce snort at me, whipping my hair back as I stood in fear of the creature.

/What are you standing here for?! Run girl RUN!/

Without a moment’s hesitation I turned and booked it towards Evan’s house, screaming like a banshee as it followed.

On the bright side, I won’t have to worry about confessing to Evan.

After all, it’s probably hard to confess when you’re dead.

***Author’s note: Dun Dun DUUUUN!!!

Knowing me, i'll probably end up giving a whole bunch of spoilers so i'm gonna keep this one short ;)

What do you think will happen?

The other day i spent about 30 minutes planning every single chapter from here till the end, and then i got all emotional because i realized how far i've come with this story. :'D

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Peace, Love, & Wheaties! (You guessed it, i have State Exams this week -_-)                          


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