Part 19

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Feeling like she was taking a huge risk, Stevie listened to Lindsey and her lawyer. She told Kim no and he was actually surprised, he was almost certain she was going to agree. Her lawyer only echoed what Lindsey had said already; Kim most likely had nothing else besides drugs against Stevie. The drug test took some time and even though Stevie knew she hadn't taken anything, she was still relieved when it was confirmed that no traces of illegal substances had been found. However, the test did show something.

Stevie had been living with Lindsey for several months now. Previously a guestroom, the room was now Matthew's. Stevie was afraid, not knowing how everything was going to affect the boy, but luckily, Matthew had adjusted rather well. Only in the very beginning he had asked for Kim a few times. Although, he wasn't calling Lindsey his Daddy just yet. 

"I love you like this." Stevie heard Lindsey's voice from behind and she looked over her shoulder. 

"Like what?" She asked, standing by the stove. 

"You've been very domestic lately." He approached her, wrapping his arms around her from behind. "A wife and a mother. Perfect at both." Lindsey pressed a kiss to her cheek. "This is how I've always imagined us."

"You don't think we'll get bored of this lifestyle?" 

"Well, we still have our solo careers, we can go back to making music any time we like."

It was official. Both Stevie and Lindsey quit Fleetwood Mac, once they finished recording the album. Christine was understanding, John said, he was sad to see them go, but he wished them both luck with whatever was to come, and Mick... Well, after the words left Lindsey's mouth, he yelled, smashed some things and stormed out. They hadn't heard from him yet and it had been weeks.

"For now, I'm completely content. I want to enjoy being a family with you." Lindsey added and Stevie just smiled, looking as if she had something on her mind. However, she didn't say anything, so Lindsey didn't ask. "I was thinking, maybe we should start looking for a house?"

Facing him, once Lindsey pulled away and stood, leaning against the counter, Stevie raised an eyebrow. "Why? What's wrong with your house?"

Shrugging, Lindsey said. "I don't know. Don't you want to start fresh? This house was what I wanted. I brought women here, I drank and partied here... This doesn't feel like a family home."

Stevie didn't speak up for a moment, thinking. "Um..." She shrugged. "I'm not sure, Linds. Do we really want to spend a massive amount of money on a new property, when this place is perfectly fine?"

"We don't have to call a realtor right now, it was just a thought."

Smiling at him, Stevie nodded her head. "Yeah, I get it. I see where you're coming from, but not right now, okay?"

"Sure." Lindsey sighed, unfolding his arms, leaving the kitchen. She didn't stop him.

The three of them gathered again for dinner a short time later. It was quiet. Lindsey was obviously upset, he had to have been thinking about buying a new house that would become a family home for them for a while. It wasn't that Stevie was against it, now just wasn't a good time, she thought. 

It seemed like Lindsey rushed to finish his plate, probably, wanting to disappear into his home studio, but before he got up from his seat, Stevie asked. "Could you stay for a bit? There's something I have to talk to you about."

She sounded serious. Lindsey nodded, getting up from his seat, taking his empty plate to the sink. Matthew brought his a minute later as well. Saying, thank you, to Stevie, the boy left the kitchen, going back to the living room, sitting down with his toys again.

Lindsey waited patiently for Stevie to finish eating as well, as he sat, bouncing his leg. Without realizing it, he was biting his lip, feeling Stevie's hand cover his. "You don't have to be nervous. Everything's fine, Linds." She smiled, assuring him. Going to wash her plate, Stevie returned to her seat shortly, unsure how to begin. "You're so quiet. Did I upset you with the whole new house thing?"

"No. I'm not upset." Lindsey shook his head, but Stevie knew him better. "Fine. Maybe I am a little. I was excited, thinking about it." He shrugged, looking away.

"I'm not opposed to the idea, Lindsey." Stevie reached for his hand. "I'm only asking you to wait a while."

"But why wait? And for how long?" He asked, sounding slightly irritated.

"Months, a year maybe." Stevie shrugged. "Looking is stressful, moving is stressful."

"Are you serious? What, a year later moving won't be stressful anymore?" Lindsey scoffed, taking his hand away from Stevie, crossing his arms.

"Well.... A year from now, our baby will be a few months old and I won't have to worry about upsetting them, while I'm still expecting." Stevie said, looking at Lindsey with a smile on her face, while Lindsey stared back at her, wide eyed. "I'm pregnant, Lindsey." He remained quiet, but she saw his eyes brim with tears. "We're having a baby together. At last." She got up and approached, standing by his side.

Lindsey looked up, unashamed of a single tear rolling down his face. "Steph..." He swallowed back tears, wrapping one arm around her hips, bringing his other hand up, resting it on her still flat stomach. "We're having a baby?"

Stevie nodded, confirming it, his arms suddenly tight around her, as she bent down a little, kissing the top of his curls. "You're going to be a Daddy."

A few minutes later, Lindsey's cheek still pressed against Stevie's middle, he said. "The house can wait."

Laughing Stevie sighed in relief. "Good."

Lindsey then sat her on his lap, giving her a passionate kiss on the lips. "I'm going to be a Daddy." He grinned widely now, kissing her again.

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