Part 6

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Sliding the key into the lock, Stevie turned it slowly, then carefully opened the door. It was quiet and completely dark. So far, so good... She let out a deep breath, she didn't realize she was holding. Putting her things down, she unzipped her boots and took them off, then tiptoed her way through the hallway and up the stairs. Before entering the bedroom, Stevie wanted to check in on Matthew, who she found sleeping soundly just like she knew he would be. 

Taking a seat on Matthew's bed, Stevie brought a hand up to his messy hair and straightened it out a little, so it wouldn't be in his face. The boy's eyes opened slightly, but she quickly sang him to sleep again. Robin would be disappointed, Stevie often thought. She had made a promise to her dying friend to take care of her son, but so far she wasn't doing a very good job. She was either high or not there at all. The boy deserved so much better. He was the only reason why Stevie was still married to Kim.

"Are you aware of the time?" 

Stevie jumped, Kim's voice startling her. He came out of nowhere. Stevie had hoped he was sleeping as well. Getting back up on her feet, she walked out of Matthew's room and closed the door, attempting to move past Kim and go into their bedroom, but he grasped her upper arm, stopping her.

"You're hurting me."

"You didn't listen to me."

"Kim, you can't be serious." Stevie tried to pry his fingers from her arm, but his grip was tight. "I'm a grown woman, you can't order me around."

"Oh, really?" He raised an eyebrow. "I think I can. I'm your hu-"

"Yes! Yes, I know. You keep reminding me that every chance you get. However, it doesn't make me your property, you don't own me." Managing to pull herself away from Kim, Stevie entered the bedroom, going straight to the bathroom. "We're not in love, we never have been, we're together for Matthew. It's been clear to you so far, what's gotten into you lately?" Stevie asked, when he appeared in the doorway, watching as she brushed her teeth.

"Just because I haven't said anything, it doesn't mean I wasn't thinking it. This whole marriage is a sham, I know that much and so do all of my friends. Have you ever thought what they think of it and how it makes me feel? They think I'm an idiot for being with you. Everyone's aware of your reputation. Have you any idea how many times I've been asked if I'm okay with other men fucking my wife?"

"You shouldn't have agreed to the idea in the first place then." Stevie took the hairbrush, running it through her golden locks. 

"So, you're not even going to deny it?" Crossing his arms, Kim leaned against the doorway. "You're admitting adultery right into my face?"

"Well, what did you expect? I don't love you. I have no feelings for you. Simply the thought of you touching me makes my skin crawl."

"Watch it." Kim warned, his jaw clenched. 

"What? It's the truth! You've never even given me a single orgasm." She knew she should shut up, but... "Every time you're on top of me, I have to imagine someone else, just to get through those ten minutes."

"You bitch!" Without even thinking about it, Kim's hand flew across her cheek, both of them staring at each other, eyes wide.

"You... you hit me." Stevie mumbled, backing away from him. "You..."

"I didn't mean to. But you overstepped the line."

Despite what he'd just done, Stevie spoke up again. "Hearing the truth hurts, doesn't it. Do you think I enjoy, when you call me a whore, a drug addict, a drunk? It's painful, but it's... it's the truth, so accept it that you're nothing to me, that I wish for nothing more than to get the hell out of here and you're also a lousy lover."

Then he slapped her again. And again, the back of his hand hitting the other cheek, his wedding ring cutting into her skin.

Stevie fought hard against it, but the tears escaped and she fell to the tiled floor, bringing her knees up, hugging them close to her chest, hiding her face. Kim didn't seem like he was keen on watching her anymore, so he left, getting in bed as if nothing had happened. 

The morning came slowly to Stevie. She didn't know how much longer she spent on the bathroom floor before she managed to pull herself up right. There was no way she was going to lay down beside Kim and have a peaceful sleep. She left the room, spending her night at the grand piano and a sheet of paper - music was the only thing besides drugs that helped her cope with her current situation.

Stevie avoided Kim as best as she could. She was afraid he was going to hurt again, so until it was time to leave to meet up with the band, she she successfully managed to stay out of his way. 

The time came to get ready to go and Stevie finally took a look at herself in the mirror. She took out her makeup, but the phone rang, interrupting her. She stupidly hoped it was Lindsey. She wouldn't tell him about last night, but just hearing his voice would be enough right now. Unfortunately...

"Hey, Chris."

"I thought I'd come pick you up a bit earlier, we could grab lunch and then go to the studio together. How does that sound?"

"Actually, it sounds wonderful." Stevie was going to use any excuse to get out of the house. She knew Kim couldn't hurt her if Christine arrived to get her. 

"Great! I'll be in half an hour or so."

"See you then." 

They hung up and Stevie hoped half an hour would be enough to hide the cut and some bruising on her face...

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