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"We loved with a love that was more than love."

-Edgar Allen Poe

There's this old saying, "Wisdom is to live in the present, plan for the future and profit from the past" Katie liked to think of herself as a wise person and for some reason this saying rang so true in her life all of a sudden. A year ago Katie stood in a hotel room and listened to a story that shook her entire world.

"Say something Robins." Bruce said to Katie who stood staring out the window after Waller told her this impossible story of her father the ARGUS agent who orchestrated her kidnapping in an effort to prepare her for a fight he believed that she could take on in his absence. It's strange how in the span of a couple of minutes, hundreds of questions Katie carried with her since that night a group of extremists broke into a small hospital and took her with them, were just answered. A part of her didn't want to believe it. A part of her couldn't imagine her father, the kindhearted man who bled business, would carry such a secret as this.

"Katie I think it's time we discussed the next step." Waller said walking to Katie's side.

"I think you should give her a minute." Bruce said, his voice full of warning. "You just threw an atomic bomb on her life, she needs to process this."

"I love how you assume time is something we have the luxury of wasting" Amanda bit back to the man before turning to Katie. "Jacob's place here in Starling was crucial to this operation. We've set up agents all over the world whose mission is to pass along information to us so we can possibly stop astronomical things from happening."

"And the Undertaking?" Katie asked not even bothering to turn to the woman.

"Your father was still gathering information, we didn't know what this Undertaking really was. If we did, we would've helped stop it."

"Why do I find that hard to believe?" Katie muttered with a shake of her head.

"At this point what you believe truly doesn't matter. These are the facts and now we must discuss what comes next."

"No." Katie said with a nod to herself. She finally turned to the woman who stared in obvious annoyance. "No." she turned and walked over to her suit case, grabbing the handle before turning to Waller and Bruce. "Four years ago my life went to shit and right now you're telling me that the person who loved me the most is the reason. You're telling me that he concocted this plan to prepare me for a fight that he thought me and Oliver could take on for this city."


"You do not speak now!" Katie growled angrily with a look so dark that it caused a chill down his spine. "You lied to me, you kept things from me and I do not trust you anymore. I want you to leave Starling, get on your plane, forget what ever noble reason you had to create for yourself for why you're here and take your ass home." Katie's eyes turned to Waller and the darkened look in her eyes seemed to get even darker. " I do not see you again in my city unless I call for you, do you understand?" The woman opened her mouth to speak, but Katie wasn't going to let her. "You are a self serving bitch whose sole purpose is self preservation and I doubt my father even cared for you. There is more to this story, something you're not telling me and I will figure it out, but until I do, you need to make your presence in this city very seldom." Katie cast a final glance to Bruce before turning and stalking out of that room.

Katie made a decision that day she walked out of that hotel room. She decided that her life wasn't something she was going to allow to be orchestrated or maneuvered without her input. And so a year later, she laid in a very uncomfortable hospital bed, staring up to the pale white ceiling that looked utterly depressing in the moon light that filtered through the window.

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