Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Song Of The Chapter: Mad by Ne-Yo

~~Rachel's POV~~

I woke up with Justin laying beside me. This was all so wrong and I knew that, but there was just something about him that I couldn't forget, that I couldn't leave. He was the head of the most lethal gang north of L.A. That wasn't something that I could just pretend wasn't there or pretend I didn't know. I needed to know more. I needed to know what that meant for me, for him, and for us. Could we even be an us with the life he lead?

"Whatcha thinkin' about babe?" Justin cooed from beside me, scaring me out of my thoughts.

"Nothing," I murmured, sitting up in the process.

"Everything okay?" Justin asked, sitting up as well.

I huffed in annoyance. Obviously everything wasn't okay. I'm in the bed of a boy, who's also a gang member, who I just met the other day. Nothing about this was okay.

"Tell me what's going on in that pretty little head of yours," he said goofily.

I scoffed quietly. The mere fact that he didn't see the wrongness in this whole situation made me more angry then I could even express. I felt like my head was about to pop off my body. "We need to talk Justin," I said, trying to keep my cool.


"Everything Justin!" I snapped, standing from the bed, "you're the head of a gang! You go from being cute and protective to being closed off! You tell me you like me, but that's not what I see when I look in your eyes! I see pure confusion, laced with pity! I look in your eyes and it seems like you feel like you need to be with me cuz you feel bad!"

"And you can tell all that by knowing me not even a week?!" he asked loudly, standing from the bed too. We were on opposite sides of the bed now.

"It's not that hard Justin! I can read you like a damn book!"

"A damn book aye?! If you can read me like a book, why don't you know that all I see between us is wrong?! Huh? Or the fact that something inside of me won't let me leave you! Or my fucked up childhood! Did you see all of that by looking into my eyes like in some cliché movie?!"


"Did I tell you to fucking speak?!" He asked rhetorically, "something in my gut is pulling me to you, but when I'm around you for a while, I want to rip your head off your goddamn body."

I swallowed hard. "I'm sorry Justin. I just, I want to know about you and your gang. I need to know if 'us' is even possible."

At the mention of the gang, Justin stepped toward me and his eyes went dark. "Are you fucking stupid? I'm not going to just tell a random slut off the street about my life. And who said there was ever going to be an 'us'?!"

"This isn't you Justin," I observed. It was the truth. This was the Justin I met, but not the Justin I fell for.

"What do you think this is?! You think you can come up in my house and tell me what's me and what's not me?!"

"This is the you I met that night in the club when you pulled Tyler off of me, but this," I gestured up and down his body and noticed the anger in his eyes, "this isn't the you that came and begged me to come back to you."

With that Justin stomped across the rest of the room and slammed me into the wall behind me, making me remember all the horrible things Tyler used to do to me. "I didn't beg anything of you!" Justin screamed. "Stop fucking thinking you're all high and mighty cuz you're up here in my room! You need to shut the fuck up before I beat the ever living shit out of you!"

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