Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Song of the Chapter: Take Me to Church Hozier

~~Justin's POV~~

It was dark now with flashes of incredible light. The light should be too bright, it should hurt to look at, but it doesn't. I have no feeling, but not in a bad way. The only thing I can feel is warm. Warmth radiating from every angle. I can't tell if I am breathing or blinking. Trivial things don't seem to matter here. Wherever here is.

Along with the flashes of light there is darkness. I can't see anything past the blackness. I should be scared, I should be leery, but I'm not. It's like I am incapable to feel anything. This is the first time I ever thought about how people feel. Did it just come about? The sadness, fear, anxiety. Or was it our subconscious telling us to feel it? And why can I not accomplish it here?

It was Rachel's scream. It was so obviously her scream. My eyes scanned the surrounding area until they caught the attention of something in the shadows, walking toward us - me and the boys. There was Peter, holding onto my girl like some sick pervert. He reminded me of a psychopath, proud of his "prize".

Like a movie, I watched as my life from the past few hours unfolded. It took up my vision, i couldn't look away. I was there, but at the same time I wasn't.

"Let go of me!" Rachel screamed again. A call for help this time. When Peter let her run to me, I knew we were in trouble. If he wanted to kill her, he would have.
If he wanted to kill me he would have. He must have other plans for us.

I don't want to watch anymore. I don't want to know what happened next. I don't want to remember.
I can't stop the memory.

I held Rachel close to me with her face in my chest, my arm keeping her from moving. Keeping her safe. My right arm tightly grasped the gun poised at Peter. Although I was a lefty, I learned how to shoot a gun with both hands just in case. I felt better with Rachel in my dominant arm.

Rachel started whimpering incoherent phrases. Not only had she been trying to speak, thinking that words were coming out when they really weren't, but I was only half paying attention. I was worried what Peter would do.
"Baby calm down."
I squeezed her waist. I tried desperately to calm her down. I don't know if it ever actually worked.

"You ruined my business Bieber." That was Peter who spoke. He caught a knife that was thrown to him by one of the many kids he has under him. They followed in behind him like lost puppies. It was sick.

"I didn't ruin your whole business. I just put a major kink in one of your plans. Maybe if you weren't so cocky, everyone and their brother wouldn't know about all your damn plans and couldn't ruin your business... just a thought."

"You are a fucking douche."

"Says the one who not only put his hands on a girl who didn't want it, but put your hands on someone else's girl. You're fucking dumb for that."

"She has a nice body. I couldn't help myself."

"And then you were a pussy by running off. You didn't even stay to fight."

"Why would I do that when I could just wait until you people came back, like I knew you would. And lemme see if I'm right you came here to 'scare me away' or some gay shit like that. So here you are, your whole little crew, thinking you have the upper hand when in reality, I have the upper hand. Have you realized that you're surrounded? Or that I've now gotten you all together in a small circle, including the girl out of your car down the way. You havent realized that this was all a trap."

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