Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Song of The Chapter: Bad for Me by Megan & Liz

~~Rachel's POV~~

"You swore to me that Tyler wasn't hitting you," Jess said quietly.

I looked out the window to the stars in the night sky. I had just finished telling Jess everything that's happened in the past 24 hours. She refused to reveal what she knew about Justin and this gang, The Sharps, until I told her what happened to me. So that's what I had done. I told her everything from going to the club with Tyler up until just a few hours ago when Justin dropped me off. Stopping at certain points when I mentioned Justin's name and my stomach would fill with butterflies.

"I'm sorry," I responded, realizing I should probably answer her, so she wouldn't think I was ignoring her.

"Don't be sorry. I just wish-" Jess started, but shook her head and looked away.

"You wish what?" I asked sincerely, scooting closer to her on the couch.

"I wish you would have told me! I mean he fucking cut you with a knife! That's not normal or okay Rach!" she yelled. Tears surfaced in her eyes. I willed them to stay there, but I wasn't so lucky because before I knew it, there were tears rolling down my best friends face and it was all my fault.

"He could have killed you Rach!" she cried, "... I can't lose my best friend," she whimpered.

"You won't lose me. I swear. I'm done with Tyler for good. Justin won't let him near me again, let alone let him hurt me," I assured her. She shivered under my touch when she heard Justin's name, making me remember the whole reason why this conversation started. "I held up to my side of the bargain. Now tell me..." I started speaking after she composed herself. Jess looked at me with confusion coming off of her. I sat back, taking a deep breath and said, "Tell me everything you know about Justin and this gang of his."

~~Justin's POV~~

"I only left for 5 minutes. I swear just five minutes. I had to take a piss that's all," Tim begged, "please don't kill me Mr. Bieber."

"You fucked up Timothy... why should I let you live?" I asked with a smirk, "you left your station and opened up a spot for someone to steal my shipment."

He was on his knees with his hands tied behind him. I dug my gun deeper into the side of his head.

"I know I shouldn't have left, but I figured the other guys could handle it for a couple minutes. I didn't think it was that big of a deal. I was wrong and I'm sorry," he pleaded.

"How big was the shipment?" I asked to no one in particular.

None of the guys answered, obviously very confused about what I was doing.

"We paid about 500 for it," Jayden finally spoke from behind me.

I grabbed Tim by the arm and yanked him into a standing position. "550 dollars will be on the front porch in 1 hour. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. If I don't have 550 dollars cash in my hands within the hour I will hunt you down and I will kill you. Got it?" I asked, putting my gun in the waistband of my jeans.

I took out my pocket knife and cut the zip tie that was holding his hands together.

"Y-yes I got it," Tim stuttered.

"Go before I change my mind!" I yelled, scaring Tim half to death.

Without another word, Tim was out the door and in his car. He was driving to, what I hoped to be, the bank... for his sake of course.

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