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wow I'm surprised that I actually finished this today! ok so this is the chapter that finally introduces the main plot for the whole story! its taken me a long time to get it right (and it could still probably use some work), but here is the chapter where everything gets fucked! Hence the title. LOL

E N J O Y !

the picture is of Peix Roan }8-)


Makaera blinked his eyes open and rolled over to look at the clock. It was already four in the afternoon. He had been asleep for almost twelve hours, while Vantera had been out for well over fourteen hours. In fact, she was still asleep, and didn’t show any signs of waking anytime soon.

Makaera rolled out of bed and landed gently on the floor. He padded over to the desk, which had both he and Vantera’s laptops sitting on it. Makaera planned to move the rest of his things out of his roommate’s room today, but until then he had to make do with Vantera and Pyra’s stuff.

Makaera pulled his computer towards him as he sat down in the chair and opened his laptop, powering it on. The screen turned dark blue for a minute, and then revealed the bloody rainbow that was Makaera’s screensaver. Makaera clicked on the link that would lead him to M.S. Paint Adventures and Homestuck. He needed to get caught up on reading and what better to do while Vantera slept than read Homestuck?

He was soon lost in the fascinating world of Homestuck and practically deaf to reality. He didn’t even notice Vantera tossing and turning in her sleep until she cried out loudly.

Makaera gave a start at the sudden noise and was pulled back to reality. His eyes fell on the tangled mess of sheets and limbs on the bed. Small whimpering noises were coming from the center of the tangle, and Makaera hastened to untangle his best friend.

Even after ruthlessly pulling her out of the tangled mass, Makaera was surprised to find that Vantera was still caught in her nightmare. She was making whimpering noises like those of a wounded dog.

Unsure of what to do, Makaera put a hand on Vantera’s shoulder and shook her gently, hoping to wake her.

“Hey,” he said, “wake up, motherfucker.”

Vantera made another whimpering noise and twitched a little, but otherwise did not react.

Makaera tried again, shaking a bit harder this time.

“Vantera… wake up!”

Vantera gave a violent shudder and curled into a tiny ball.

At this point, Makaera was beginning to panic. He had never seen Vantera have convulsions like these while she was sleeping and it frightened him. He didn’t know what to do.

Vantera gave another long, violent shudder, and then was still, her body falling completely limp and lifeless in Makaera’s arms.

If that wasn’t enough to make Makaera lose it, what happened next certainly was.

Vantera’s eyes flew open, her body became stiff as a board, and, in a gasping raspy voice that was definitely not her own, she said, “They are coming.

“Who is coming?” Makaera asked.

The Heroes,” she said. “They are coming. They are coming soon.

“Who are the motherfucking heroes?” Makaera asked, still panicking. “Where are they all up an’ coming from?”

Vantera continued as though she had not heard him.

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