ChApTeR oNe: JaDe'S rEvIvAl

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Here's the first chapter of Act 2! this chapter brings Dave and Jade into the picture, and also touches on a few other things. Also, when you get to the part about Vantera and you see that it says 'he', its not a typo. I repeat: THIS IS NOT A TYPO. Vantera has officially come out and 'she' is now a 'he'! YAY! lol, anyways

E N J O Y !

The picture is Megida Red

ChApTeR oNe: JaDe’S rEvIvAl

Captor Teck was not one to put up with bullshit, no matter who it came from. Lucky for him, his girlfriend didn’t have much bullshit. Unluckily for him, his new roommates did.

It had been four days since “Homestuck took a fucking dive off the deep end, through a multi-dimensional portal, and landed in the middle of fucking campus” as Vantera had so eloquently put it. Everyone had been paired up with one or more of the Homestuck characters, making sure they all had a place to stay.

Karkat, Gamzee, and Erisolsprite were staying with Vantera, Makaera, and Pyra. However, because of Gamzee and Terezi’s unhealthy kismesissitude, Terezi was staying with Captor and Megida, along with Davesprite. Aranea was living with Serka, Nannasprite with Night. Ampro and Peix had Jane, Jake, Dirk, and Roxy. Once he came back, Dave would be staying with Zahhak, and Jade would be with Lezha, along with John and Jaspersprite. Maryam was housing Kanaya, Rose, and Arquiusprite.

It wasn’t the best system, but things had been going alright. Most of the time, the group didn’t even stay at the places they were living. Lezha’s house had officially become the group’s headquarters, and everyone pretty much spent all their time in the basement, trying to figure out what the fuck was going on.

However, at the times when Terezi and Davesprite did stay in Captor and Megida’s apartment, they drove the couple off the wall. Actually, they drove Captor off the wall. Megida seemed mostly just amused by it.

Terezi was constantly drawing on the walls with chalk and then licking it. Davesprite often joined her, mostly for ironic purposes. When he wasn’t drawing on the walls, Davesprite was doing ironic things that Captor couldn’t figure out for the life of him. When he found a stack of unbelievably shitty swords in the fridge, Captor almost lost his head. Literally.

It had gotten to be so bad that Captor spent most of his time locked in his room, trying to find a way to send the strange group back to their own world. The only times he came out were to go to the bathroom, eat, and go to Lezha’s house for meetings.

“It can’t be that bad,” Ampro said at their fourth meeting. “I mean, my place is now crawling with four, sixteen-year-old twerps.”

“Watch who you’re calling a twerp, Jackass,” Dirk called from his spot on the couch beside Jake.

Captor found, to his immense dislike, that he couldn’t argue with Ampro on that. He only had to deal with Terezi and Davesprite, who weren’t all that bad once you got to know them. Ampro, on the other hand, had to deal with Dirk’s irony and cold personality, Roxy’s brazen drunkenness, Jane’s mind controlled scariness, and Jake’s terrified whimpering and panic attacks. Compared to that, Captor had it infinitely better.

“You think you have it bad?” Vantera scoffed as he came down the stairs. “Try living with Crabby McJackass and the scary-ass juggalo over there.”

“FUCK YOU!” Karkat yelled from the above floor.

“YOU WISH!” Vantera screamed back, causing several raised eybrows.

He then flopped down on the couch next to Gamzee, causing a few more raised eyebrows, and began petting said scary-ass juggalo’s hair, gathering the most raised eyebrows yet.

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