Jolly Time with Jasmin

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[Madhu, After Dark] Jasmin, anyone who has scoured through the romance genre would have definitely stumbled across your books. We would love to know more about who you are on your off time!

[Jasmin, Featured Author] I don't really have much off time to be honest. I have two little kids, so my life pretty much consists of my family and then my writing and wattpad when they are sleeping. Nothing too exciting. ;)

[M] Being a mum gives you the highest point in my book!
Tell us a bit about how you discovered Wattpad?

[J] Aww thank you, that means a lot. I discovered Wattpad when Colleen Hoover (one of my favorite authors) posted a story here. I really liked all the excitement and energy you could almost feel whenever she posted a new chapter. A little while after she was done, I came back and started writing my first story.

[M] What were your initial results when you first started posting your book?

[J] Not a lot to be honest. It took quite a while and a lot of interaction with other writers to get more than just a few readers. It can get frustrating at times, but I kept going and got more readers over time. I'm glad I didn't give up because I also made some really great friends along the way.

[M] Who are your favourite authors on Wattpad? Have they, in any way, influenced or inspired your writing?

[J] Way too many awesome authors on wattpad to single out a few. :) I think everything I read, be it on or off wattpad, influences my writing in some way. It shows me things that I'd like to improve or things that I need to pay more attention to as well.

[M] :P Trying to be diplomatic while answering?
But, what you said is quite true.
Did you have any mentor guiding you through the ins and outs of writing? When did you realise that you wanted to write?

[J] Haha that too. But I'm also a social butterfly, and I have a hard time pointing out only a few people when there are so many good, especially undiscovered, writers out there.
I picked JettaFrame's brain a lot because she gives some great advice and listens to my rambling. She also sets me straight when I go off the deep end which can happen pretty quickly. Lol. Two friends I made at the very beginning elliekaywrites and brookeallyson254 are also always there for me to bounce off whatever is on my mind, as well as sbrobinson. But then again, there are so many interactions with readers and other writer friends that are constantly helping me too. :)

I haven't really done much writing before I started posting on wattpad last year. I've written a few things here and there over the past few years but never really knew what I was doing and never finished anything either.

[M] About JettaFrame I totally agree!
She's been a great help ever since I've known her!
But while we're on the topic, I'm dying to ask a question that I'm sure many people have wondered when they read your books. Where do you get the ideas from?

[J] Hehe, I'm not sure there's a good answer for that since I honestly don't really know either. Sometimes a scene in a book can spark something, but usually, I just have random things pop in my head. Once I like an idea and think about it, more and more voices and scenes pop up. Well, doesn't that just make me sound crazy now? Lol

[M] But I think insanity is a part and parcel of being a writer. Your ideas tend to be unconventional then. :P If you could choose one favourite character you've written about so far, who would it be?

[J] I don't think my ideas are very special but I like them. And as long as other people like them too, I'm happy. :)
Oh that's a tough question. I'm not sure how to decide on that because I like them all for different reasons. Maybe Charlie from Baking With A Rockstar because I can put myself easiest in her shoes?

[M] :P It is a tough choice to make, choosing from all your drafted children. What is the one thing you first observe in a book?

[J] They really all feel like my babies. ;)
The first thing I notice is probably if I can connect to the characters and if the writing style is for me. The story needs to capture me from the beginning or my mind starts wandering off, and I have a hard time getting into it.

[M] Do you see yourself publishing your books anytime in the near future?

[J] I'm hoping to take the next step when my life allows it. It would certainly be a dream come true. ❤

[M] What do you think has the highest priority while writing any book?

[J] I think the most important thing is to get the story out without trying to overthink it too much. You can always edit things later on.

[M] What is the one thing you love reading about? Did you try incorporating that into your writing?

[J] I love love, so whatever I'm reading or writing usually needs to have a big dose of romance in it. :)

[M] Is there anything you've never liked writing about?

[J] Luckily, I don't have any restrictions in any way, so I just write about things I like.

[M] Well, I hope that you'd achieve all your dreams and more! It's been a pleasure getting to know more about who you are! :)

[J] Thanks so much for doing this. The support means a lot to me. ❤

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