Our last farewell

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Serena POV

"Hey, Sere." he spoke out calmly from the opened door, as his sight directed towards mine where I was sitting, skirting around his dad warily to give me a kiss on the cheek.

"Hi, Ash." I replied, watching him glance at Mr. Ketchum, who was staring at the plain floor without taking a look at his own son.

Slipping his hand over mine as I stood up, Ash whispered, "Ready to go?" in my ear. His warmly breath blew gently in my ear with each words he spoke out.

"Yeah, I'm ready," I said, but still floored by what Mr. Ketchum had just said.

Finally, Ash turned to his dad. "Hey, Dad."

Reluctantly, Mr. Ketchum looked up at his son. "Hi, son." He said as he gave a salute while speaking.

Ash's eyebrows rose at the salutation his dad gave him. "Um... didn't know you were planning on visiting today." He sounded slightly resentful and I couldn't blame him. The lack of his dad's visits obviously hurt him deeply, even though he didn't like to show it.

"I came to visit Dr. Brock."

Shrugging, Ash muttered, "Of course." He lightly squeezed my shoulder. "We should head on out, Sere." I nodded as Ash started hustling me out, one hand on my back. He apparently couldn't wait to leave. "Later, dad."

We were halfway out of the room when Mr. Ketchum suddenly called out, "Ash!"

"Yeah?" Ash said carelessly looking over his shoulder.

Mr. Ketchum cleared his throat before he went on. "I think we need to have a little talk when you come back from the cemetery." He glanced over at me and gave a slight nod. "It's long overdue."

"Okay. I guess," Ash replied, nodding. "See you later, then. C'mon, Sere. Weirdo."


We stopped at the local flower shop to buy some flowers before headed out to the completely quite cemetery where Gary was buried.

Lined up rows of tombstones stood erect in silence to the left and right, in front and behind, Some were crumbled with the weathering of centuries, some were smooth marble with new black writing and laid with floral tributes. Most though, were overgrown and unkempt, for now even their mourners had joined them under the clay soil. An upon the hill from a clear distance, a new grave had been dug to await it's new occupant. The black hearse slowly wended it's way down the central lane followed by a procession of black limousines.

My sight swiftly changed to another direction as I spoke. "When was the last time you came here?" I asked Ash as we walked up to Gary's grave which was so neat. Row upon row of white marble tombstones all rising from the manicured grass. Each one was perfect, polished and exactly the same as all of the others, except the name it bore. They were lined up perfectly with those in front and behind.

I looked beside me at Ash as his face went somber and pale, looking down at the final resting place of his best friend. "Too long ago," he replied, his voice hoarse. Reaching down while supporting his knees, he placed the bouquet of flowers on the granite slab, running his fingers along the inscription written on the tombstone. 'Here lies Gary Oak. Beloved son and friend. We loved him, but God loved him more. Rest in eternal peace.'

"You remember him, don't you?" He questioned whilst eying on the tombstone.

"Yeah," I nodded. "He was my lab partner for a couple of weeks. Always happy."

A slight glimpse of his lips twitching with a smile, Ash said, "Yeah, that used to get me all kinds of confused. His family was kinda screwed up, his dad was always in rehab but Gary was always smiling." He turned to look at me, his eyes thoughtful. "I see lots of similarities between you two."

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