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As Sere talked on the phone with her mother, I was obsessed about what we'd just been talking about. There was no way I was gonna tell her what really went down between Calem and me, or about the jealousy I felt when Calem started talking his 'I could have Serena whenever I want' No sir.

"Okay mom. I'll be home pretty soon. Um, Dawn just made cookies. Sure. Okay. Bye." She hung up and slipped her cell phone into the pocket of her hoodie. "Ash, I have to go or my mom will get suspicious. Not that I'm doing anything wrong, but-."

I nodded to show that I understood, even though I didn't want her to leave just yet. There was just something about her that made me feel- happy.

"I'll give you a ride," I told her, slinging an arm companionably over her shoulder. "And this time, I'll park up a block."

Sere's shoulders shook as she laughed, the sound of her laugh making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. ****, May was so right it was ridiculous. I was so into Sere that I felt giddy and I'm the kind of guy that never feels giddy for anyone and anything. Yet as Sere turned her face up to look at me in the eye, my heart skipped a beat and I felt- giddy. "Thanks, Ash." She smiled.

"No problem," I said in a voice that was almost a whisper, staring down into her beautiful face. The bruises were fading slightly, but it still made me wanna punch Alain out.

We stepped into the elevator, which was all empty and I pushed the 'down arrow' button making the double doors automatically closed in between.

"I still can't believe you were fighting, what if something had happened to you?" Sere said. I turned to her- she was leaning against the back of the elevator, her arms folded across her chest and a stern expression on her face.

I knew she was talking about the aneurysm. "I'm not going to live my life being scared," I said honestly, moving just a little to stand right in front of her.

She went off on another tangent, shaking her head and making her sweet smelling hair fly out. "I've got to do something about this," she said, the determined tone of her voice reminding me of Leaf.

I scratched my head, confused for a quick second. What were we talking about? That strawberry scent was making me lightheaded. "About what?"

Sere pursed up her thin lips. I licked mine, my heart thudding in my chest as I stared down at her. I wanted to kiss her so bad, but I couldn't. Willpower. Don't mess up your friendship. Don't do it! "There's gotta be a way to get Principal Sycamore to backtrack on his decision."

"What, you mean reenroll me?" I laughed out loud. "Hell no, he's glad to finally get rid of me."

"He said he owed your dad a favor," Sere reminded me, looking thoughtful. "Maybe if your dad calls in that favor-."

I shook my head, seeing what she was getting at and sensing a fail. "On my behalf? Not gonna happen."

"Stop being negative, Ash," Sere snapped, frowning at me. "I'm trying to help you out here!"

"I know," I said, squeezing her shoulder. "But as far as this whole situation goes, as soon as I have surgery, I'm off to Kanto. Probably going to another school or some s***. So I might as well make the most of the here and now."

"Don't give up so easily," the motivational speaker in training said. "You can appeal! Get Calem to admit that he- pushed you too far and it was partially his fault. Maybe he'll change his mind and suspend you instead."

I laughed again. There was no way Calem would back me on this. The snitch couldn't even look me in the eye when we were called to the principal's office. And to think for a while he'd been the closest friend I had. "Calem hates me right now. I almost broke his nose! He'll never agree to that. Just- drop it, Sere. I'ma be okay."

"We can try," Sere muttered, her eyes glistening with tears. "You don't know what will happen unless we..."

I stared down at her as she continued to talk frantically. My eyes on her moving lips. God, I wanted to kiss her. But I, Ash Ketchum, was scared. Scared at how she might look at me after. I didn't want to ruin what we had, but I also didn't want to go through my life wondering what might have happened. Also, if I really was living just for the here and now, this was a perfect example of here and now. Right here, in this elevator, I wanted to kiss Serena Yvonne. Just because.

"...And anyway, there was a girl appealed against her expulsion, remember? I just think-."

Sere's monologue ended in a sharp gasp as I slowly lowered my head, angling just a little and tentatively brushed my lower lip against hers, forcing it to open.

I could feel her heart thumping through the layers of our clothing, feel her body heat rise as I kissed her again, running the tip of my tongue over her full bottom lip.

She let out a shuddering breath as my arms trailed down to her hips. Lifting her skirt just a bit, cupping her butt cheeks with my hands and squeezed slightly, backing her up against the hard elevator wall, loving how her soft lips felt on mine.

She tasted exactly how I expected her to taste. A hint of strawberry chap stick and something else that was pure Sere.

I kissed her softly because I knew her lip was still slightly swollen and I didn't want to hurt her.

All of a sudden, Sere started kissing me back, nibbling tenderly on my bottom lip as I sucked on her top lip, making her shiver in my arms.

She wrapped her arms around my neck while mine rubbed her back. Our bodies molded together as she drew me closer, her fingers tangling in my raven hair. Her teeth grazed my lip, making me groan quietly as I pulled back from her lips, the world almost spinning because this was just too good to be true.

Wonderingly, Sere opened her eyes and goggled at me as I took a step back, knowing exactly what I was about to do.

"Ash- w-what was- what just h-happened?" she stuttered to ask as I stepped back to the elevator control panel and hit the emergency stop button. The elevator slid smoothly to a halt and I turned back to Sere, loving her wide eyed innocent face as she stared up at me. "Ash-?"

All I wanted to see Sere happy, make Sere happy, and kiss Sere senseless. And that was never gonna happen if she was gonna keep on talking.

Lowering my head down to hers, I whispered in her mouth "Sere, for the love of God. Shut up." I whispered under my breath.

And then. Without any hesitations, I plant my lips on hers again. This time with more passion than before.

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