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Ash's Bucket List- Bury a time capsule.


I woke up the day after an exhausting family group therapy session with more energy than I'd had in a long time. Even when I had school to go to, I was never awake before 8am, but on this particular day, I was ready to take on any and everything and waking up late wasn't gonna cut it.

My first stop was the hot shower, where I plugged my iPod into its dock and proceeded to sing along to Justin Timberlake. There's nothing better than letting your frustrations out while listening to a good music. And it wasn't like I was being selfish or inconsiderate- dad was probably at his office already and Leaf had Hope awake at around 7am. Right now they were probably at one of their mother/daughter classes. Yeah, a class for 4 year olds.

After my much needed music therapy. I got out of the steamed shower, got dressed in my everyday clothing and walked to the kitchen to make myself something to eat and go over my list.

It was time to step it up with the list. Even though Sere and I had made incredible headway with it, some annoyingly persistent niggling feeling told me that I didn't have much time to waste. I didn't want to share my increasingly negative thoughts with anyone and I definitely didn't want to say a damn thing about my worsening headaches, so I just kept my mouth shut.

Pouring myself a fresh glass of apple juice filling it up till the very top. I frowned at my shaking hand.

"This bites," I muttered to myself. But today wasn't the day to feel sorry for myself. I had important stuff to do. It was time for me to suck it up, ignore the pain and get to business.

Feeling around in my loose pocket, I drew out my touch-screen phone and dialed the number for 'Time Capsule's Inc.' Like the name suggested, they were the go to guys if you needed a time capsule that looked like it was just part of the scenery. I found out about them a couple of days ago when I was Googling how to 'make' a time capsule and they seemed like the most interesting based company that specialised in time capsules. I mean, they made realistic looking hollow rocks and logs! How cool was that?

I made plans to pick up my fake rock at around lunch time in their Plaza office, hung up and dropped my list on the counter. Hopefully, by the end of the day, I would have knocked one more thing off of my list. And if Sere wasn't busy, maybe I could call her up to help me out and we could spend some time together.

I grinned to myself of the thought as I picked up a shiny green apple from the fruit bowl.

Sere. She was pretty special, and I loved the way her hair smelled. Like wild strawberries. Delicious.

I did a double take as dad strode into the kitchen, a news paper in his bare hand and his phone clamped to his ear on the other. Well, at least I was used to the phone part. But I thought he was already at work, usually he could hardly wait for the sun to rise so he could get out of the penthouse. He looked as surprised to see me as I was to see him.

"Morning," dad grunted. It took me a couple of seconds to realise he was actually talking to me.

"Hey, dad," I replied, biting into the juicy apple to hide my surprised face. Chowing it down.

Okay, what was going on? Dad never talked to me in the morning, unless it was to ream me out for not going to my therapy sessions or for missing a doctors appointment. I'd been scrupulously attending every single appointment since my expulsion, which was a pretty big deal for me, so it couldn't be a lecture about that. Usually I used every excuse I could come up with to get out of therapy, but for the past week or so, I'd been going without a single complaint.

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