Gone but not forgotten

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We drove from Jeffersonville to Lynn-view , we stopped a few times for gas but we still made it we left when dawn was just breaking. Made it there by dusk we found a place to stay and we stayed the night there. We plan on going to Knoxville next we are going to be by the coast for a while.
" Jess ," Jared said

"yeah whats up," I said

"  Jenny and i are going to go for a run we will be back  can u take care of Elsa for us," Jared asked

"sure," i replied
"Elsa hon ," Jenny said
"Mom I'm 13 I can take care of myself ," Elsa said
"Doesn't matter I don't want anything to happen to u ,"Jenny said
Jenny and Jared left and Elsa sat in the chair and I sat at the other side of the table. Elsa just sat there and looked down and just wrote on paper.
"So Elsa does ur parents know about Johnathan Price?," I asked
"No and how do u know ," Elsa said
"My friend Alisha Jenner is a friend of ur moms and she told me ," I replied
"Oh Alisha I knew her," Elsa said
About two and a half hours later Jared came back by himself carrying Jennies dead corpse with a bullet in her head . Jared was in tears Elsa had broken into tears , I got up and gave Elsa a hug and gave Jared a hug and I felt the same pain that they felt when my mom passed. Jared and Elsa and the others and myself gave Jenny a proper funeral, wasn't much but we all gathered and dug her a grave. We all decided to leave towards Knoxville like planned I so hoped I'd run into Dean and Dustin sometime soon it is too late to head back.

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter two it wasn't long like my last one.

Do you guys think Jesse will run into Dean and Dustin once again and rejoin like a "family " again?

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