Chapter 18

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Harry's P.O.V

I love seeing all of the bright smiles I see when a fan walks up to me. I love how they hug me like they were reuniting with an old friend. I honestly love my fans entirely and I couldn't make it without them.

Today was a really nice opportunity to meet some fans. Mostly girls, but I still loved each and every one of them.

And then I saw Louis. I feel honored to see him again. Technically, he was the first one to see me and he still waited for the long ass line. He could've gone to any other person but he still chose to wait for me.

"Hi there." He said blushing.

"Hi," I said. He walked over to me and put his arms around my shoulders. I put mine around his waist and the feeling the hug right. I felt tingles shoot all around my body.

He let go of me and already felt cold without his warm body against mine. He asked for me to sign the back of his cellphone case and I chuckled because he could've done that during the time we "met" at the grocery store. Or the countless hours on the plane. Or even the drive to his aunt's house. I just find it ironic that he's doing this now.

"Can I have a picture of you kissing my cheek, Harry?" He said looking down, embarrassed. Probably hiding a deep blush.

"Of course, love," I said.

He gave his phone to the person who was next in line and quickly walked over to me. I put my arms around his waist. He looked at the phone and I put my lips to his cheek. The person took a bunch of pictures so one of them had to be nice.

"You better send me one of those. I'll be waiting," I said and sent him off with a wink. He blushed then walked away.

The day went off like all of the other meet and greets.

I remembered giving Louis my number so I decided to text him and ask him if he wanted to join me at the creator's party. I think it'll be fun if he was there with all of my American friends.

He responded a few seconds later saying that he would love to. I told him that we should meet up in a few hours and he responded with an "ok."  When we got back to the hotel, a different person was behind the counter. The man looked to be older and I'm thankful that he paid little to no attention to us while we were passing.

We got back to the house looking neater than we left it. I didn't really mind cleaning after myself but it was a nice accessory to the trip. Zayn and I went our separate ways to get ready for the party that was soon to come. Zayn would probably have to be in the bathroom getting ready for another hour or so. He always takes a few hours to get ready.

I finished showering and I walked out of the bathroom naked looking for something to wear. I found some underwear in my suitcase and then I put on my favorite pair of ripped skinny jeans. I looked some more and put on a floral shirt that I didn't even know I had. I put on my boots and look in the mirror and start styling my hair to where I want it to go.

Once I finished, I step out of my room and go to the living room to wait for Zayn who is still getting ready. I'm glad we have enough time to waste cause Zayn would literally cry if he only had an hour to get ready.

And I'm so glad he does because of how he looks right now. He walked out of his room looking like a god. His hair was beautifully styled up. He had a white shirt and a blazer that fit him really nicely. He rolled the sleeves up to show some of his tattoos. His jeans looked so good with the blazer and the shoes practically put everything together.

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