Chapter 13

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After Louis had left, Zayn had come out of the room and walked downstairs with pumpkin in his hands. "Finally! I was dying up there." He said flopping down on the couch.

"Oh stop. You sound like you were there for weeks." I said sitting down next to him.

"It definitely felt like it." He said resting his head on my shoulder.

"Would you like to go to Los Angeles for a couple of weeks?" I asked a couple of minutes after.

"Where the hell did you get that from?" He asked looking up at me.

"Vidcon. You wanna go with me?"

"I'll have to tell Paul that I need 2 weeks off but I'm all in." He said.

I can't wait to go to America again. Maybe I'll run into Louis while I'm there...


It was a rainy day and I was already running late for school. It looked depressing outside. The sky was grey and I really didn't want to go outside.

Once I get dressed I quickly brushed my teeth and gelled back my hair. I walked downstairs and grabbed my backpack from the kitchen counter. I also grabbed my keys and my wallet.

I walk into the living room where Zayn was sitting on the couch with Pumpkin on his lap.

"I'm off. I'll see you in a few hours. Don't burn the house down." I said and walked into the garage and getting into Marcel's car.

I drive to the school and run inside since I didn't want to get soaked. The hallways were close to empty which means I'm either a minute away from being late or I already am late so I should hurry up.

I quickly get to my locker and grab my books. When I'm done I close the locker door and head to my first class which I now find out that I'm 10 minutes late.

When I open the door, everybody's eyes landed on me.

"Marcel. Do you have a late pass?" The teacher asks. I shake my head and she sighs. "I need a pass, Marcel." She said as she kicked me out of the classroom. I sigh and walk to the main office.

I was expecting to see the nice old Secretary who usually sits behind the office tables but was met with a much younger woman. She looked close to my age. She had brunette hair, which was pulled back into a bun, with highlights. Her eyes were a nice light brown. When I came closer, I noticed that she had a shirt that showed a little cleavage.

When she looked up at me her eyes wandered over what she could see of my body, since the counter blocked the bottom half of it. She but her lip then looked at my face. "What can I help you with?" she said then bit into the end of the pencil she had in her hand and leaning over the table which made her chest look a little more out there.

"The teacher... she made me come and get a late slip," I said, gulping in-between.

"Ok, hon. Here you go." She said as she filled out a tardy slip and passed me it when she was finished.

Before I walked out of the office, I asked, "Where did the old Secretary go?"

"She retired. But I'm here to help you with anything you need." She said biting her lip and winking. Is that even legal? I mean I am turning 20 but I am a student here.

I nodded and walked out of the office. I could feel her eyes on my back and other places as well.

When I get back to the classroom, the teacher gives me a few worksheets and tells me to complete them with the textbook by the end of the class.

When the bell rings, I hand in the papers that I had difficulty finishing since I was late.

I walk out of the classroom with my books held tightly against my chest. I didn't want them to get knocked down and be late for another class.

The day passed by pretty fast. I had lunch with Liam and it was really nice not falling to the floor every 2 seconds. I wonder why I haven't been pushed around as much today.


It was the last class of the day and I was in English. I sat down in my usual seat near the front. A few minutes in, Louis and a few of his friends come in laughing loudly. It looked like a scene from a drama. The popular group coming in looking gorgeous and the nerd looking all... nerdy.

When the teacher came in, everyone who wasn't in their seat, sat down.

The teacher started talking about some assignment that I wasn't really paying attention to. I was thinking too much about the trip to America that's about to happen. I have to take a plane in a week.

Halfway through the class, Louis had put his hand up. The teacher said that he could speak and said, "Well, I just wanted to say that I won't be attending your class beginning next week. I'm traveling and I'll be missing school for 2 weeks." He said.

For a few minutes, the teacher went on about how he would have to take home some homework and keep track somehow and blah blah blah.

When the bell rang, everyone got up with their books and walked out of the classroom. I walked out as well and made my way to my locker.

I decided that I would just privately tell the principle that I would be going to America.

I close the locker door and go to the office. When I walk in, the first thing I see is the new Secretary. She was typing on the computer. She looked up at me and looked up and down my body like she did before.

"Umm. I need to talk to the principal." I said uncomfortably for the way she was looking at me.


"Marcel," I said and shifting my weight from one side to the other.

"Ok. Let me just tell him that you'll be coming in." She said as she picked up the phone and punched in a few numbers and held the phone up to her ear. "Hey. Marcel would like to talk to you." She stayed quiet then hung up. "Walk right in." She said. I just noticed a name tag. Her name was Carrie.

I walked away from Carrie and open the door to the principal's office. He was straightening some papers out. He looked at me and gestured for me to sit down in one of the chairs.

When I sat down he asked, "why did you need to talk to me?"

"Well I have Vidcon in a week so I just wanted to tell you in advance. I'll be gone for a few weeks." I said.

"Well, I'll put it in. Don't worry about anything." I got up and exited his office.

When I got outside, I saw that someone was leaning against my car. I walked a little closer to the person and realized that it was only Louis. I wonder why he waited for me.

When he noticed I was getting closer he stopped leaning on the car and said, "we need to keep working on the video. We might not finish it between now and next week but we need something other than the introduction."

I nod and asked when he wanted to continue the video. Louis said tomorrow because we don't need any more footage inside of the house.

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