Chapter Eleven

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Sigyn was so upset when she could not spend the night with Loki before their wedding. It already took them all of Odin and Frigga's will to let Sigyn sleep in Loki's quarters all this time, but sleeping together the night before the wedding was crossing the line. And when it came to her new royal family, she did not want to cross any sort of line. Everything needed to be perfect from now on. Even though they did not have much authority with Loki around, Odin and Frigga still had the ability to exile Sigyn from the palace and from Asgard. She wondered if Loki would follow her. He probably would if his parents forbade it, but she was not too sure what he would do if he had a decision. It haunted her mind the entire night, and she could not get any sort of sleep over it. Finally, she could not take it longer. She had to talk this over with Loki, even though it was the middle of the night before their wedding. At the moment, she did not care about tradition and of restrictions.

As quietly as she could, she tiptoed out of the guest room where she slept. As slowly as she could, she made her way over to Loki's room and carefully creaked open the door. There he was, soundly sleeping in his large bed, the bed that she had occupied so many times. Even at this moment, she still could not believe that this entire room was also going to be hers after the wedding. All of Loki's possessions and the few that she had would be all hers. She had never been control of so many things in her life. It was so surreal, as was her wedding with Loki. Everything still seemed like a dream for her. Even though it had been a little more than three years, it all felt so quick to her. To Loki, it all seemed like a lifetime, but to her, it seemed like they had only just met one another.

Sigyn suddenly did not want to wake up Loki from his deep slumber. He looked so serene while he slept, and she did not want to upset him by ruining it. Yet, she needed him more than ever. She finally decided just to silently climb into bed and let him continue sleeping. All she really needed was to feel his heartbeat against his chest, and everything would be alright for her. That always seemed to do the trick, no matter the situation. Once she was curled up with his warm skin, she could close her eyes again, her mind and soul at peace. Maybe she could handle this wedding after all. Loki's heartbeats told her to relax and embrace it, and she gladly listened. They always knew what she should do in tough situations.

She fell asleep a lot quicker than she thought, and she woke up the next morning to the feeling of someone gently stroking her hair. Her head burrowed in Loki's chest, she looked up to meet Loki's eyes and they smiled at one another. "I thought my parents told you to sleep somewhere else," he lightly chuckled.

"I couldn't sleep," she slightly frowned. "I tried, I really did, but then I started thinking about getting exiled by your parents and started wondering if you would follow me or not."

"Oh, Sigyn," he sighed, "of course I would. Even if they imprisoned me, I would still try and find a way to be with you." Sigyn happily smiled and rested her head against his heartbeat once again. "But that's never going to happen, Sigyn," he insisted, "no matter what happens to my parents, to Thor, or to me, you'll be in this palace, ruling over Asgard if necessary."

"You sound too much like a Prince," she mumbled.

Loki laughed. "Well, I am a prince. And soon, you'll be a princess and a goddess."

"Oh, I am not ready for that," she pouted, "it all seems so scary."

"You'll handle it all just fine," he promised. "I'll be right there."

They both heard footsteps in the corridor outside and Sigyn buried herself underneath the covers. Loki whispered that it was probably nothing, but Sigyn didn't believe him. "I don't want to leave," she whined. "I'm not going to see you until the evening. That's too long."

"Oh, do not cry, Sigyn darling. You will be alright."

The door opened and abruptly ended their conversation, and Sigyn mutely kept hidden under the covers. Hopefully, it wasn't Odin or Frigga coming to wake up their darling son. "Arise, brother!" Thor boomed, "we have a wedding to prepare you for!"

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