Chapter Nine

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"You are needed in the throne room, Sigyn," a servant told her one afternoon. Sigyn stopped chewing her food and stared back at the servant, searching for some hint or reason. When she saw that he gave none, she sighed, leaving her dinner and making her way to the throne room. She really hoped that Odin was not confronting her about her relationship with Loki. She knew Loki was going to reveal it someday, but she did not expect it to happen so soon. She was not prepared to deal with such a topic. Loki had assured her that everything was going to work out, yet she had a strong feeling that Odin would still make her pack up and leave the palace. Thor always seemed to suggest it with his cruel glares whenever he saw her. She just did not understand why Thor did not accept her relationship with Loki. She never did anything to harm him or Loki in any way, so there was nothing to be angry about. Was there?

Guards nodded to her as she approached the throne room, and she gulped as they opened the doors. Odin and Frigga were sitting on their chairs, Thor and Loki beside them. The scene almost mirrored that time long ago when she was first assigned to her new chores. However, this time Loki's family all held grim expressions while Loki's eyes were sparkling in love. They helped calm her down a little bit, but she was still really nervous. She bowed in respect and waited for them to speak, dreading the words coming out their mouths.

"How long have you been working with us?" Odin asked her, catching her off guard. She did not expect that type of question from him.

"I-I have been here since I was a child," she answered. "Both of my parents were servants here, and as soon as I reached of age, I began working. And I've been working since then."

"Ah yes, your father was the head stableman, correct? And your mother was the head cook who just recently passed?" Sigyn mutely nodded her head in reply. She was surprised that Odin remembered them to an extent. Most of the servants were invisible and unknown to the royals.

"Go stand next to her, Loki honey," Frigga suddenly ordered him. Sigyn's face paled as he confidently strode over to her. She exchanged glances with him as he resisted to show affection, quickly reverting her gaze to his parents, who were studying the both of them.

"So, what is going on between the two of you?" Odin wondered.

"I-I...W-We..." Sigyn could not bring herself to explain. She was so flustered and confused. Her knees buckled and shook so much that she could barely stand up straight. Out of nowhere, soothing fingers intertwined with hers, and she glances back again at Loki. He smiled at her in encouragement and spoke for her, since she was too speechless to utter a sound.

"We're together, Father," he replied, "and have been for some time now. And I love her and intend to marry her, if you will let me."

Sigyn blushed wildly but did not add onto Loki's confession. The trembles in her fingers decreased as Loki's thumb rubbed against her skin for comfort, and she relaxed her tense muscles a tiny bit. She bit her lip as they both waited to hear his parents' responses.

"You chose to fall in love with a servant girl?!" Frigga exclaimed.

"I did not choose to," he argued. "You cannot choose love."

"How long has this been going on?!" Frigga screeched. She seemed a little more upset about this than Odin was.

"Since Father, Thor and I came home from the Planet Tour," he explained. "Around the time when I was sick and I asked for fur blankets."

Sigyn let out an uneven breath as Odin raised an eyebrow at them. "Is this the girl you were talking to me about a few years ago?" She tried not to show concern in her eyes as she tightened her grip. Loki already talked to Odin about them?

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