Chapter Twenty-Two

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Loki had no idea where that weird feeling came from. He only knew that he did not want Sigyn to leave him and the boys. There was just something about Jane that worried him, and he did not want Sigyn to be around her. Sigyn was adamant that she was going to be fine, but Loki wasn't so sure. He knew that Sigyn could protect herself if she was ever in a terrible situation, but he wanted to be there with her. How was he supposed to fulfill his duty as a loving husband if he could not protect his wife? Loki knew that he had abandoned her for years, but now that he was back home, he was determined to prevent that from happening again. He was now here to stay and protect his family, even though the dungeons made the task difficult.

It was so hard for him to say goodbye to her that morning. For some reason he just could not let her go. Sigyn thought he was going crazy, and maybe he was. All he knew was that he felt as though Sigyn was leaving him forever. Sigyn had scoffed and said that she would be upstairs and return later in the day. Loki forced himself to nod his head in reply, but he still could not shake off the feeling that Sigyn was in danger. The kids played with Loki like nothing was wrong, and Loki wished that he had their innocence. They were too young to know why their father was locked in this room separated from the rest of the palace.

Even if his children didn't always play with him, Loki enjoyed spending time with them. He knew he should probably thank Odin for giving him so much time with his dear family, but he did not want to thank that old man for anything. He supposed that Odin would have killed instead of imprisoned him, but Loki knew that Odin was too weak to put his supposed son to death. Besides, Sigyn's strength was the main reason why he was still here with his children.

Oh, his darling, loyal Sigyn. Ever since he returned to Asgard Loki had watched the color return to her face and the loving twinkles reappear in her hazel eyes. Even after everything he did, she still loved him. She understood him in a way no one else did, especially now. He needed Sigyn for that semblance of good favor. God, he needed her for everything. Loki knew that he'd be nothing without his darling Sigyn. He'd probably be a dangerous hot-head with no real thing to fight for. What would he do without his Sigyn?

The prison rumbled and debris fell all over the hallways, interrupting Loki's train of thoughts. His head snapped to the sound, feeling the ground vibrating beneath him. Something bad was happening in the palace. Was it an attack? Where was Sigyn?! What was happening? Oh god, was Sigyn okay?! What was she doing?! Was she coming down to Loki and their children?!

Their children. Vali and Nari's frightened screams forced Loki to refocus his distress. No, now was not the time to go crazy over thinking about Sigyn. Loki had to protect his little boys from whatever this was. Loki backed away from the glass and went to his children in the corner, doing his best to subdue their screams. Sigyn usually did this kind of thing, despite spending so much time with them Loki did not know them like she did, so Loki had to do his best. He soothingly patted down their hairs, seriously staring at them and telling them not to worry. Daddy Loki would protect them. Loki would die protecting his babies from whatever came their way. That seemed to help the children a bit, but the loud booms did not help completely lessen their fright. So Loki sat down in the corner with them, wrapping his arms around them and holding them close to him. If he needed to stand up and fight, he would let them go, but for now he'd stay with his kids like the Papa Bear he was.

Loki heard shouts in the dungeons, and saw groups of large, monstrous men parading through the hallways. Like all the other prisoners in the dungeon, Loki and his family were protected by the glass barrier of the cell, but Loki still felt like they were coming for him. He held his children tighter, calmly shushing their jitters as he watched. One monster came right up to Loki's cell, peering inside with a big grin on his face. His blood boiling, Loki clenched his teeth, on edge to what this monster would do. After slowly separating himself with his children (much to their protests), Loki walked right up to the glass, ready to fight. He squarely glared at the monster, fists clenched and ready to pummel the thing, but the monster just laughed and moved on. The other monsters seemed to just ignore them.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2017 ⏰

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