chapter 16: flashback

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Scarlett p.o.v

I woke back in reality but I wasn't in demitri's tent anymore, no I was back home.

I was back in Derek's bedroom, in his bed, waring his shirt. I heard the bathroom door open and before I could turn my head I was forced back onto the bed.


Derek shouts as he holds me close to his body. He holds me tightly as if he were to let go I would disappear.

"Derek H-how am I here?"

I ask him and he pulls back and smiles. His smile goes from ear to ear on his face.

"You were asleep for a week. When Demitri was done with you they chained you back up. After a week kaden and Altaïr attacked and saved us. There attack was brutal. I carried you out as I looked at all the bodies they left. But none of those bodies belonged to demitri."

He said and I sighed. I was happy but speed wanted something more.

"Come, we should get you into the shower."

He says as he picks me up. I wrap my arms around his neck as he carries me into the bathroom. His arm is under my leg and his other one is around my back. Bridal style.

He set me on the counter and moved a peace of hair behind me ear. He smiled at me with love and adoration in his blue eyes.

"Your so beautiful."

He says softly and I smile. He is standing in between my legs with my legs wrapped around his waist.

"Derek what happened while I was out?"

Derek p.o.v


They came back into the tent again. They took her from her spot next to me and forced me to watch as they raped her. Thunder was growling and aching to get out. He couldn't though because of the sliver chains.

Today was different though. Today was the day they made me watch as they took what's rightfully mine. Scarlett's innocence.

I began crying as Thunder cried along with me. The chains burned every time I moved so I was forced to watch.


Scarlett said in her sleep and it made me some what glad that she thought it was me doing it instead of this rouge.

"We're under attack!!"

Someone shouted and I yelled in pain. When a wolf's mate is being mated in front of them it hurts their wolf beyond belief. Thus the wolf can't hold back all the pain.

My chest is on fire and my heart is breaking.

"Please have mercy on me, take it easy on my heart."

I begged and the rouges just raped her harder. I yelled in pain and soon a large black wolf ran into the tent. Next to the black wolf was a brown wolf. Both wolves knocked the man off of Scarlett and mauled him. His blood spattered on the walls.

I hate to admit it, but Thunder loved that look.

The brown wolf shifted into kaden and the black wolf shifted into Altaïr. Altaïr came up and began to lock pick my restraints. Kaden began lock picking Scarlett's.

The second I was free I bolted up and ran straight to Scarlett. She lay there bruised and bleeding. It made Thunder whimper but I touched her face and felt sparks.

She's alive.

I kissed her cheek and kaden growled. I look up to see a light brown wolf and a white and brown wolf. The white and brown one is a she wolf and the other is a male.

The male attacked first and on instinct I shifted as I jumped over Scarlett. I landed on his back and bit down on his neck. Thunder sent me some strength and I broke his brain stem. That's the area where the brain connects to one's spine.

The wolf fell limp and a happy howl was heard. The wolf shifted into James! The she wolf bolted off and I knew it had to be Elise.

I shifted back, not caring that I was naked. All I cared about was getting Scarlett out of here and into a safe area.

"Derek we need to-"

Altaïr was saying but a growl was heard. We turned to see a large grey wolf, a large grey and black wolf, and a even larger dark brown wolf. They were demitri's best warriors.

Kaden, Altaïr, and I all shifted and jumped into the group. The grey one swiped at Altaïr's side but I bit into his back leg.

I felt a sharp pain in my side and I looked to see that the brown wolf had swiped at my side. Kaden jumped on him and tackled him to the ground.

The grey and black wolf was about to jump on me but Altaïr tackled him. Altaïr and the wolf rolled around until the grey wolf bit into Altaïr's neck. I let go of the grey wolf and tackled the grey and black one off Altaïr. I bit into his neck while I scratched at his stomach. The wolf soon went limp.

I was tackled by the grey wolf to the ground. I flipped us over and bit into his neck. The wolf fell on top of me and all three shifted back.

Two were males and one was female. The female had two marks on her neck and the males had two marks on there necks.

"He took more than one mate. That's just wrong."

Kaden said and I nodded. A dark white wolf ran in and shifted into chase. Chase untied a white shirt from his ankle and wrapped it around Altaïr's neck.

"We need to get him to the medical bay."

Chase said and we nodded. I grabbed Scarlett and kaden carried Altaïr. We ran out of the tent and to the medical bay.

In the medical Bay Altaïr had his neck stitched up and Landon gave blood as well. I had Scarlett tested for practically everything. HPV, HIV, AIDS, Pregnancy, all those STDs. Thankfully they all came back negative.

I walked back out to examine the after math. Thousands of rouges bodies lay lifeless on the ground. Sadly none of them are Demitri, Elise, or Eli.

"Let's go back before more come."

Noah says and I nod. We pack up the medical Bay and begin to walk back to my territory."

End of flashback

"Take a shower first then I'll tell you."

I responded back and she smiles. The groans in pain and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Derek why do I feel so sore?"

'Well your dead, bye bye for now Derek.'

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