Chapter 13: Wacked upside the head

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Scarlett p.o.v

Demitri hung the phone up and stabbed the knife between Derek and I. My leg was slowly beginning to heal and close up. Demitri walked out of his tent and I relaxed a little.

"They will come for us. We need to stay strong."

Derek whispered to me and I nodded.

"Are you scared?"

I asked him and he looked down.


He said and I kept my gaze on him.

"Kind of."

He continued and he looked up at me.


He whispered with shame on his face.

"Don't worry I am too. And just like you said, we need to be strong."

I whisper back and he sends a appreciative smile my way. It causes my heart to flutter and I smile back.

"Hey no talking!"

A man with short brownish blonde hair said as he walked in. He was very, very tall and had brown eyes. He had loads of muscle on him. He wasn't super ripped or anything it's just that his biceps were the side of my head.

"Who might you be?"

I asked him with a little sass in my voice. He glares at me and takes a seat at a table in the room.

"I might be Everett. I might be Aden. I might also be Lucy."

He said with a smirk on his face.

"Screw you."

I tell him as I roll my eyes.

"I don't think I'm made of metal but I can be put in as hole."

He spoke back with a conference that it was annoying.

"I think the whole in your head might not have a brain in it."

Derek shot back and the man stood up.

"Eli! Come on back out here and join the party!"

A man yelled from outside and Eli groaned.

"Your lucky I wanna get laid."

He said and walked out. I sighed and looked at Derek. I laid my head on his shoulder and fell asleep.

Kaden P.O.V

After demitri hung up Altaïr and I stared at each other.

"We need a plan."

He said and I nodded. It's obvious the snipers were taken out but how and when.

"We need to use our men and go in and save them. We need to get them back. If we loose the Nobel pack the Allied Packs will have no one to teach stealth. We need this pack."

I tell Altaïr and he huffs a sigh out as he runs a hand through his hair. He begins to pace the room.

"Would you shut up? I'm trying to think."

Altaïr said and I joined him in his pacing. There is a knock at the door and Altaïr looks up.


He calls and a man with black hair walks in. Landon and Noah follow behind him.

"We want to help get them back."

The black haired man said and I looked at him.

"No way. It's to dangerous."

I tell them and Noah scoffs.

"All dew respect Alpha's, but my sister is out there. Our sister is out there and we're not gonna sit back and do nothing while she could be getting killed."

Noah says and Altaïr nods.

"My best friend is out there too. I'm beta chase and I plan to help. Weather you want me to or not I am."

The black haired man I now know as chase says. I finally understand.

"Fine but we need a plan."

I tell them and Landon perks up.

"When I was in 7th grade I had to do a report on something nocturnal. I chose Rouge wolves. The rouges sleep during the day and act at night. It's rare to see a Rouge up and active during the day, though it is possible."

Landon spoke with a 'matter of fact' voice. It did help now to know that the rouges were mainly active at night.

"We plan our attack mid day then."

Altaïr responded and we all agreed.

"Now all we need is the force to do it."

I stated and Altaïr, Noah, Landon, and chase sent me a 'seriously' look.


Landon shouted at me and my eyes widened.


I asked and Altaïr wacked me upside the head.

"We have my warriors here. We have your warriors here. We have Derek's warriors here. WE HAVE THE FORCE TO DO IT!"

Altaïr said and I gasped.


I said as I felt very stupid.

"Don't feel stupid. I know of a Romen emperor who got mad at Pisidon and ordered his men to go stab the water."

Noah said and I smiled.

"Or that one guy who was stealing gas and he was caught in the act. So he chose to drank the gas he was stealing out of the guys car. Believe it or not the owner of the car didn't send him off to Griffen. No, the poor guy had to have his stomach pumped."

Chase smirked and we all chuckled.

"Well when do we attack?"

I asked and I flinched thinking I was gonna be back handed.... again.

"A week. No warnings to nothing."

Altaïr said and I nodded.

"We all better get training."

Landon said and chase wacked him upside the head.

"What was that for?!"

Landon asked as he rubbed his head.

"Well no duh we need to train."

Chase said and I chuckled.

"Your right."

Noah said and I wacked him upside the head.


Noah asked as he looked at me.

"Of course he's right."

Altaïr said and Noah wacked him upside the head. Altaïr glared at him and all three of the boys bolted.

"See what you started?!"

Altair yelled and I wacked him upside the head and bolted out of the room.

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