Chapter 12: captured

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Scarlett p.o.v

We walked through the woods and to the border. As we got closer to the border the light from a Rouge camp became more and more clear.

A woman with long brown hair and brown eyes spots us and she smirks. Next to her is demitri.

"Well well well, what do we have here?"

Demitri says as he and the girl walk towards us.  We continue walking until we meet at the border.

"Demitri we came to talk about compromises for your threat."

I told him in my most business like voice.

"I see well i only want a few things. One, your land. Two, Luna Scarlett. And thee, your life."

Demitri said and Derek scoffed. That was the cue for the snipers to shoot. All were of good hearing so why are they not shooting?

"Ah Derek, you see I killed all your snipers. Well except for the women. They were forcefully taken by my men as mates. Beautiful things to, I know my eldest chose one. Her screams from him marking her are still in my head."

Demitri spoke as if it was normal for him to do this. And I bet it was.

"Well because your all alone I think I could have some fun with this one."

The girl said as she put her hand on Derek's shoulder. He smiled flirtatiously at him and I had to hold back a growl. Derek shrugged her hand off and held my hand.

"Maybe James would like two mates."

Demitri says as he grips my chin. I growl at him and he smacks me.  Derek growls and more rouges come out.

"I think it would be wise if you came with me."

Demitri says as the rouges pull Derek's arms behind his back. They do the same to me and I feel them take my wepons. I look to my right to see them stripping Derek of his Wepons as well.

"Bring them with me to the main area."

Demitri says as he turns his back and walks away. We are pushed forward and are forced to walk. We walk through the rouge camp until we see a large tent.

Demitri walks inside and we go in after him. Once we are inside I take a look around.

The floor is bear pelt carpet and there is a bed in the corner. A small fire burns in the middle of the room.  There is a wood wall with silver chains attached to it.

"Chain them up over there."

The woman says and the rouges push us towards the wall. We thrash around but unfortunately we are still locked up.

We are seated on the ground with sliver chains attached to our hands. Our hands are a love our heads and our feet are chained to the ground.

The rouges leave and Demitri turns around. That's when I realize he has blonde hair and green eyes.

"Elise dear, why don't you run along and be with your friends."

Demitri told the girl, who I now know as Elise.

"But father I want to have some fun with Derek."

She whines and I sigh.

"No! Now go."

Demitri orders and Elsie stomps off. Demitri walks over to a phone and dials in a number. He puts it on speaker as he walks over to us.

"Nobel pack, Alpha kaden speaking."

Kaden says into the phone.

"Ah alpha kaden so good to hear from you again. I'm here to strike a deal with you."

Demitri says and kaden growls.

"Where is Derek and Scarlett?"

Altaïr asks into the phone.

"Oh there alive."

Demitri speaks and kaden scoffs.

"I want proof of life."

Kaden says and Demitri sighs.

"I am alpha Derek, son of the dead alpha Henry."

Derek says with a stone cold voice.

"I am Scarlett Dreyfus, daughter of a dead prison pack warrior."

I say into the phone and kaden sighs.

"Now for our deal. I want you to lay down your arms and surrender Derek's land."

Demitri says and Altaïr growls.

"Never. Demitri I ask you to hand us back Scarlett and Derek. Both alive and well. You must leave the area and go back to where ever it is you came from."

Altaïr says and Demitri rolls his eyes.

"Sorry no can do. But listen to this."

Demitri says as he pulls out a knife. He slices into my leg and I scream in pain. My thigh begins to gush out blood as he carves an 'R' Into my leg. He does the same for Derek and he screams as well.

"What are you doing!"

Kaden and Altaïr yell into the phone. Demitri chuckles and smiles.

"Surrender for every night at 10 you will hear there screams."

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