Chapter One

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Chapter one

(Javiers POV)

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I groaned but then covered my mouth. I couldn't risk waking my step father. I went over to my brothers bedroom downstairs. He was younger than me by a year.

"Eli. Eli you need to get ready for school" I whispered softly while shaking him lightly. He opened his eyes groggily but got up without complaint. He knew we had to be absolutely quiet. We were both used to the routine by now.

I sighed and went back upstairs to my dresser, grabbing my black skinny jeans and a Ghost Town band-tee. I walked into the bathroom and quickly straightened by shoulder length black hair, and yes, before you ask, I am 'emo'. Do I cut? Occasionally. More often, I burn. I am gay and get bullied for it every day at school and at home. Eli talks and has a bubbly personality. He always has energy and is usually smiling. He IS, the only reason I don't just commit suicide.

I walked back to my brothers room and saw him standing in the middle of the room, ready for school. I looked at my watch, 6:24 a.m. I sighed and motioned my brother to the door. Grabbing my converse, I slipped them on while Eli put his Vans on. We had about 5 minutes till the bus arrived and I ushered him out of the house. We got to the bus stop right when the bus arrived. The bus driver smiled at me and I nodded at her in greeting.

While walking to our usual spot in the back of the bus I heard the usual insults directed at me 'loser, faggot.' . The insults where just part of the routine. I sighed and got ready for the 30 minute bus ride. My brother nodded at me and gave me an 'are you okay' look. I nodded and looked away. My brother deserved better than this. No one deserved being treated like me. My brother didn't exactly get picked on but he didn't have many friends and the popular crowd always ignored him. He didn't care though, he thought they were stuck up snobs.

Which they where, if you weren't part of their clique.. than you were an outcast. Big surprise right? NOT.

My bus stopped and I got out, walking slowly into school. I walked down the hall and into the bathroom, sitting in a stall until just a few minutes before the bell rang. Like every morning, I was alone. Or at least, I thought I was.

"Javier! What are you doing? We are going to be late for class!" my one and only friend Jesse yelled at me. I shrugged and followed him slowly down the hall. Jesse sighed and started running. He couldn't afford another detention for being late or he would be suspended, and his mom would kill him.

All of a sudden I got shoved against my locker by two strong arms and I heard laughing. The guy turned me around and I saw him and three other guys smirking at me. The guy holding me against my locker took one of his arms off me and put it around my neck against the locker. I wouldn't be able to escape. He punched me in the stomach with the other fist and banged my head against the locker hard. I cried out in pain but gasped when his hold on my neck tightened.

The guy smirked and laughed. The last thing I saw before I passed out was his fist flying towards my temple.


Cliff hanger!!


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