Chapter Nine

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When I got home, it seemed that no one else was there. I breathed a sigh of relief that Eric wasn't home but was curious as to where Mom and Eli were.  When I entered the kitchen, an answer laid on the counter.

'Went to the store. Be back shortly' the little sticky note said. I nodded and turned to the refrigerator, contemplating whether or not to eat. Jordyn's words still echoed in my mind. 'When you hurt yourself, you're hurting someone I Care about'...those words definitely made me want to get better, but unfortunately I don't think it's that easy.

Sighing, I just grabbed a bottle of water and went upstairs to my room. Yawning, I crashed down on my bed and put my iPod on on the speaker dock. I fell back asleep to SayWeCanFly's song 'Intoxicated I Love you'.

'And here I thought we would just be talking, little did I know, that we'd be taking chances in the closet...'
I awoke to the sound of yelling coming from my mom's room. I groaned, knowing that could only mean that Eric was back. I stood up and tip toed across my floor, quietly opening my door just enough to hear what was going on.

"You need to respect me in my house! Without me, you have nothing!" Eric was shouting. I rolled my eyes. In all reality, the house was my moms. She bought it way before she met Eric. He just moved in. I could hear my mom yelling back, and it worried me. Everyone time this happened, mom ended up with bruises and excuses. 'He's just stressed out' she'd say.

There was nothing I do about it. I've told her that he was toxic and would never change but she holds fast to the idea of a happily ever after. I don't think it's going to work like that.

"Javier! Get your ass down here!" Eric screamed up the stairs and I flinched. I'd been hoping he wouldn't notice that I was home. I contemplated whether or not I should go downstairs. I decided it would be the best thing to do because if he had to come upstairs then his anger would just be worse.

I ran downstairs and stopped right in front of Eric. His hate filled glare turned my heart cold.

"You little faggot. Who do you think you are? Making me wait. When I tell you to do something, you do it! Immediately! Do you understand me?" He shouted. I nodded, but not quick enough for him. He punched me in the stomach and I heard my mom start screaming.

"Stop! Don't touch him!" She yelled, but it did not help. If anything, he only punched me harder. It was as if he was punishing her by hurting me. I could hear her crying in the background and my last coherent thought before everything went black was 'please don't try to help...', and then I was gone.
I woke up to a white ceiling and I knew immediately that I was in my bedroom. My mom wouldn't have dared taken me to the hospital for fear of someone finding out how I'd gotten the injuries. Briefly I wondered how I had gotten upstairs but then figured that once Eric had sobered up and calmed down, he'd probably brought me up here.

Eric isn't always a bad guy...when he's sober. In the beginning of his marriage to my mom he had been a great husband and father to me and Eli. A few years ago though he lost his job and turned to drinking, becoming an awful alcoholic. He then began abusing me and my mom and Eli.

It took me a while to realize that he wasn't going to change and that he was horrible for my Mom. She loved him least that's what she insists on telling herself. I'm pretty sure that's how most abusive relationships go though.

Eric had his moments when he would stop drinking and be sober for a few days but it never lasted. It was those times when the old Eric came back and I couldn't help hoping every time that it would last this time, just for my Moms sake. It never did.

I tried to stand up but as soon as I sat up, intense pain shot through my entire body. Shit...I thought. I probably needed to go to the hospital. Who knows what could be broken this time. Looking at the clock I saw that it was 7p.m and my mom had most likely left for work. Eric wouldn't risk letting her stay to take me to the hospital.

Stumbling over to the window, I used the wall for support, I glanced out the window. Eric's car was gone too and I breathed a sigh of relief.  I stepped back from the window and a searing pain knifed through my body, causing me to stumble. I really needed to go to the hospital. The only problem is that I have no one to take me. I decided to call Jordyn and see if he picked up. If he didn't, I would have to figure out something else.

Ring ring!  The phone rang for about a minute before I hung up. Sighing, I dropped my phone and tried to think of someone else. One person came to mind...
(Sebastian's POV)

I was walking home from the park for the second time in two days when I got a phone call. Looking down, I was shocked to see Javier's name show up. Before we left Friday night our moms made us exchange numbers 'in case of an emergency', they'd said. I arched an eyebrow before answering. Is he okay?

"Hello?" I asked, thoughts running through my head. I heard heavy breathing on the other end of the phone. "Javier? Are you alright?" I asked, getting really concerned.

"H..hey. Umm, I wouldn't normally ask you, but I had no other option. Is there any way that you could take me to the hospital?" Javier asked quickly. My eyes widened. The hospital?

"What happened?" I asked. Even before he answered I was jogging to his house. He was coughing.

"Um, I'll explain when you get here." He said and I groaned. I needed to know!

"I'm on my way." I said into the phone before hanging up. I ran the rest of the way to his house.

-10 minutes later-

When I got to Javier's house, I knocked roughly on the door. It was probably more like banging then knocking, to be completely honest. I heard a faint 'come in' an that was all I needed to barge in.

"Javier? Where are you?" I shouted.

"I'm upstairs!" He shouted right back. I bounded up the stairs and entered his room. The sight before me made my blood boil. Javier was sitting on his bed, face bruised and bloody, holding his right side. I gasped.

"What the hell happened to you!?" I cried, running over to him. I touched his chin to tilt it up so I could get a better look, and he flinched. It broke my heart. "Who did this to you?" I whispered. He looked away.

"Look, I don't think you need the sob story. I just need to get to the hospital." He mumbled. I looked at him, shocked. Of course I wanted to know.

"Javier, you need to tell me. Maybe I can--" I began.

"You can't help me." Javier interrupted. I bit my lip and looked at him, silently begging to know. He sighed. "Fine, but If you tell someone I will kill you." He said, completely serious. I couldn't help chuckling at the image of him beating me up. The guys tiny. Not very dangerous. I nodded anyway. I didn't plan on betraying him.

" stepdad did it." He said. My jaw dropped. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I didn't ask him to elaborate. That information clicked a lot of missing pieces together.

Things made sense now. Why Eli was relieved he couldn't come to dinner that night, why Javier constantly was bruised even when we hadn't touched him, why he was so jumpy. And why he'd never tried to stop us. It was normal to him. I closed my eyes tight. I did not cry...not in front of others.

I opened my eyes and Javier was looking away from me. I nodded slowly. I knew that if I said something it would probably just make it worse. I approached him and held put a hand. He looked at me and I motioned for him to take it. He did so hesitantly.

He probably thought that I would laugh or make fun of him. I wish I could tell him I would never do that again but it seemed best to just be quiet for now. Apologies could wait. I needed to get this broken boy to the hospital. I helped him down the stairs and across the street to my driveway where my car was parked. He was too short to climb in the large truck, and couldn't really pull himself up in his condition.

I gripped his hips in my hands and he gasped. I smiled at him gently and lifted him carefully in to the seat. I almost missed the blush on his cheeks as I closed the door. I smiled to myself. Maybe I would get another chance with him. That small chance gave me hope. Maybe that hope would turn into courage. I could tell him I loved him..

Wait, what? I thought. Love him? I'm not gay! I protested. I looked over at Javier who was peeking at me from the corners of his eyes. I smiled slightly....shit..
Hey here's another chapter. I'm going to try and update more often. At least once a week, Mondays or Tuesdays. TRY. I MAY MISS OCCASIONALLY. Love you guys!

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